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The study examines the key drivers of the adoption of disruptive technologies (DTs) in the digital supply chain (DSC) in developing nations.Design/methodology/approachThe data were collected using well-established measures grounded in the diffusion of innovation (DOI) theory. The hypotheses were tested using the structural equation modeling (SEM) approach using SmartPLS. The authors control for the demographics and apply the required statistical diagnostics for robust findings.FindingsThe compatibility and IT expertise were the two key factors in adopting the DTs in DSC in developing nations. The organizations with higher compatibility and internal IT expertise and competence witness a higher level of adoption of DT. The perceived cost and complexity were not found statistically significant. This may be probably because developing nations such as India do not perceive the technology adoption complex.Research limitations/implicationsThe research enhances DTs adoption, assuming it is organizational innovation. This study makes a theoretical contribution to the DOI literature.Practical implicationsThe practicing managers should pay attention to addressing the existing technology compatibility issues and spend efforts on training employees to increase the IT expertise to improve the adoption of DT.Social implicationsThe greater adoption of the DTs in DSCs can reduce wastages in supply chains by a faster sense and response and greater technological flexibility with transparency and information sharing.Originality/valueThe key antecedent to the acceptance of the DTs in developing nations is compatibility than complexity and IT expertise than the cost. The study's originality lies in the fact that most studies on technology adoption study a single technology, but this study captures a holistic view on a group of technologies under industry 4.0.
International Journal of Emerging Markets – Emerald Publishing
Published: Nov 21, 2023
Keywords: Digital supply chain; Disruptive technology; Diffusion of innovation (DOI)
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