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With knowledge management as the strategic intent and learning to learn as the strategic weapon, the current management focus is on how to leverage knowledge faster and better than competitors. Research demonstrates that it is the cultural mindset of the people in the organisation that primarily defines success in knowledge intensive organisations. This article highlights the importance of people management in the knowledge economy, explores major challenges to human resource management (HRM) in managing knowledge workers, and identifies some key HR strategies for effective people‐centric partnership in knowledge management, namely, trusting HR philosophy, institutionalising learning to learn, and fine tuning HR systems in recruitment, retainment, performance and reward management of intellectual capital in a multi‐national context. This article reflects the key themes from the author's recent book, Managing People in the New Economy , published by Sage.
The Learning Organization – Emerald Publishing
Published: Feb 1, 2004
Keywords: Knowledge management; Knowledge organizations; Human resource management; Performance management
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