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This study aims to examine the effect of strategic human resource management (SHRM) practices on two learning outcomes, learning orientation and learning competence, which past research has seldom examined in the UAE context. SHRM practices consisted of four factors, namely, talent acquisition, learning and development, performance appraisal and developmental pay.Design/methodology/approachPrimary data was collected from 285 employees from retail outlets operating in Dubai. Partial least squares regression analysis using the tool, SmartPLS, was used to empirically validate the measurement model and test the structural model.FindingsFindings reveal that SHRM practices talent acquisition, learning and development and developmental pay have a positive association with learning orientation, and learning and development and performance appraisal have a positive association with learning competence of employees. The path coefficient and total effects signify that learning orientation acts as a conduit to pass on the effect of the SHRM practices to learning competence.Research limitations/implicationsThe sample considered for the study was from the retail industry. Furthermore, to generalize the findings of this research, cross-national studies should be conducted across various sectors and organizations.Originality/valueTo the best of the authors’ knowledge, this research study is the first of its kind in retail firms in Dubai (UAE) to empirically test the association of SHRM practices with learning outcomes. Retail outlets can implement SHRM practices to improve learning orientation and learning competence in a highly dynamic operating environment such as retail industry.
The Learning Organization – Emerald Publishing
Published: Jun 8, 2023
Keywords: Strategic HRM; Learning competence; Learning orientation; Retail industry
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