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SSRC Open Door Research Scheme

SSRC Open Door Research Scheme SSRC Research Scheme Research in the social sciences has otherwise established group, who experience order to improve their understanding of re­ traditionally been undertaken on the initi­ a set of problems whose solution is seen as searcher-practitioner communications and to ative of social science researchers them­ depending on professional research in the contribute to possible improvements in the selves, and financed at the discretion of management or industrial relations areas. scheme in the future. No attributable re­ The proposal form gives you an opportunity funding bodies such as the Social Science ports of particular discussions will at any to describe, on two pages, the problems and time be published without the agreement of Research Council (SSRC). The potential the areas of research which you consider will both you and the consultant. users of research, particularly in the manage­ ment and industrial relations fields, have be necessary. The proposal form is simply a Proposals must be in the areas of manage­ seldom had the academic resources at their descriptive document It will not be judged ment or industrial relations, and the scheme disposal to conduct their own research pro­ as a precisely formulated research brief. is open to any established institution or jects, and usually had no formal direct re­ If your proposal is eligible, you will next group. Opinion or market research as such is lationship with outside researchers. be put in touch with an experienced re­ not an acceptable basis for a proposal. search consultant who will already have Which research projects were actually It should be noted that the Council re­ been active in management or industrial re­ undertaken and how relevant they were to serves the right to reject proposals and appli­ practical needs, depended very largely on lations research. The SSRC is able to draw cations arising from the scheme, and accepts academic preference, on bodies like the on the services of a group of such con­ no responsibility for the outcome of any SSRC and on the degree to which they were sultants who are prepared to act as advisers discussions that take place under the on the Open Door programme. In particular, in touch with the current problems of scheme. Equally, the Council is not re­ they will attempt to match your proposals management and industrial relations. sponsible for any use which may be made of with suitable researchers. The research con­ research resulting from the scheme. A new initiative sultants and/or members of their depart­ All enquiries and requests for further Researchers are often the first to agree ments will not be eligible to undertake the information should be directed to the Sec­ that too much of the impetus for research is research themselves. retary, Management and Industrial Re­ self-generated, too little generated by the lations Committee, Social Science Research user. In practice, the SSRC's portfolio of Council, 1 Temple Avenue, London Feasibility projects at any time reflects the current EC47 0BD. The initial meeting with your Open Door interests and concerns of research-based research consultant will probably be a social scientists, who may not be sufficiently discussion on the feasibility and potential of in touch with user needs. your proposal in terms of its researchability. The Council's Management and Industrial Discussion may, for example, reveal ob­ Relations Committee (MIRC) recognised stacles to effective research, or may indicate that if the necessary change was to take that some or all of the research you require place, the initiative rested with bodies like has already been done. It is possible that the themselves. MIRC has therefore been research consultant may not be able to asked to expand the Council's activities identify any suitable researchers, though it is beyond financing selected projects, into pro­ hoped that such cases will be few. Assuming viding support, advice, and practical that you and your research consultant agree assistance to those who are not academic re­ that you have a researchable problem, the searchers, but who can identify research consultant will proceed to work with you in needs in the course of their day-to-day work. expressing the problem as a proper research Matching the need to the research brief. The mechanism that MIRC has developed for making this happen is the Open Door Finance Research Scheme. Its object is to correct the The research could be funded by your present imbalance between researcher-gener­ own organisation, through a funding body ated projects and workplace-generated pro­ such as SSRC, or via a joint funding jects, by giving practical encouragement to arrangement. Applications to SSRC would the latter. be through its Research Grants Scheme. SSRC will act in a double capacity. On Further advice on seeking finance will be the one hand it will help institutions, part of the consultant's brief. businesses, and other groups to formulate their problems and express them as re- searchable projects. On the other, it will aim The project to bring about introductions between those You will now be introduced to the people groups and suitable researchers. Open Door who it is hoped will do the research. With is a free service and will help any bona fide them you can go on to the details of design­ group which has identified a research able ing the research project. Throughout these problem in the management and industrial initial discussions and during the research relations fields. itself, the consultant will continue to be avail­ Proposing a project able for advice. You are a group of managers, a commit­ All stages will be monitored by an inde­ tee, a trade union, or any other formal or pendent group on the Committee's behalf, in Management Research News Emerald Publishing

SSRC Open Door Research Scheme

Management Research News , Volume 1 (4): 1 – Apr 1, 1978

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SSRC Research Scheme Research in the social sciences has otherwise established group, who experience order to improve their understanding of re­ traditionally been undertaken on the initi­ a set of problems whose solution is seen as searcher-practitioner communications and to ative of social science researchers them­ depending on professional research in the contribute to possible improvements in the selves, and financed at the discretion of management or industrial relations areas. scheme in the future. No attributable re­ The proposal form gives you an opportunity funding bodies such as the Social Science ports of particular discussions will at any to describe, on two pages, the problems and time be published without the agreement of Research Council (SSRC). The potential the areas of research which you consider will both you and the consultant. users of research, particularly in the manage­ ment and industrial relations fields, have be necessary. The proposal form is simply a Proposals must be in the areas of manage­ seldom had the academic resources at their descriptive document It will not be judged ment or industrial relations, and the scheme disposal to conduct their own research pro­ as a precisely formulated research brief. is open to any established institution or jects, and usually had no formal direct re­ If your proposal is eligible, you will next group. Opinion or market research as such is lationship with outside researchers. be put in touch with an experienced re­ not an acceptable basis for a proposal. search consultant who will already have Which research projects were actually It should be noted that the Council re­ been active in management or industrial re­ undertaken and how relevant they were to serves the right to reject proposals and appli­ practical needs, depended very largely on lations research. The SSRC is able to draw cations arising from the scheme, and accepts academic preference, on bodies like the on the services of a group of such con­ no responsibility for the outcome of any SSRC and on the degree to which they were sultants who are prepared to act as advisers discussions that take place under the on the Open Door programme. In particular, in touch with the current problems of scheme. Equally, the Council is not re­ they will attempt to match your proposals management and industrial relations. sponsible for any use which may be made of with suitable researchers. The research con­ research resulting from the scheme. A new initiative sultants and/or members of their depart­ All enquiries and requests for further Researchers are often the first to agree ments will not be eligible to undertake the information should be directed to the Sec­ that too much of the impetus for research is research themselves. retary, Management and Industrial Re­ self-generated, too little generated by the lations Committee, Social Science Research user. In practice, the SSRC's portfolio of Council, 1 Temple Avenue, London Feasibility projects at any time reflects the current EC47 0BD. The initial meeting with your Open Door interests and concerns of research-based research consultant will probably be a social scientists, who may not be sufficiently discussion on the feasibility and potential of in touch with user needs. your proposal in terms of its researchability. The Council's Management and Industrial Discussion may, for example, reveal ob­ Relations Committee (MIRC) recognised stacles to effective research, or may indicate that if the necessary change was to take that some or all of the research you require place, the initiative rested with bodies like has already been done. It is possible that the themselves. MIRC has therefore been research consultant may not be able to asked to expand the Council's activities identify any suitable researchers, though it is beyond financing selected projects, into pro­ hoped that such cases will be few. Assuming viding support, advice, and practical that you and your research consultant agree assistance to those who are not academic re­ that you have a researchable problem, the searchers, but who can identify research consultant will proceed to work with you in needs in the course of their day-to-day work. expressing the problem as a proper research Matching the need to the research brief. The mechanism that MIRC has developed for making this happen is the Open Door Finance Research Scheme. Its object is to correct the The research could be funded by your present imbalance between researcher-gener­ own organisation, through a funding body ated projects and workplace-generated pro­ such as SSRC, or via a joint funding jects, by giving practical encouragement to arrangement. Applications to SSRC would the latter. be through its Research Grants Scheme. SSRC will act in a double capacity. On Further advice on seeking finance will be the one hand it will help institutions, part of the consultant's brief. businesses, and other groups to formulate their problems and express them as re- searchable projects. On the other, it will aim The project to bring about introductions between those You will now be introduced to the people groups and suitable researchers. Open Door who it is hoped will do the research. With is a free service and will help any bona fide them you can go on to the details of design­ group which has identified a research able ing the research project. Throughout these problem in the management and industrial initial discussions and during the research relations fields. itself, the consultant will continue to be avail­ Proposing a project able for advice. You are a group of managers, a commit­ All stages will be monitored by an inde­ tee, a trade union, or any other formal or pendent group on the Committee's behalf, in


Management Research NewsEmerald Publishing

Published: Apr 1, 1978

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