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This paper aims to systematically review the extant research on social psychological aspects of civil-military inter-organizational collaboration, particularly in a total defense context.Design/methodology/approachA systematic scoping studies review was performed. Peer-reviewed articles were searched in PsycInfo and Sociological Abstracts. Inclusion criteria were met by 25 articles.FindingsFour higher-order categories with underpinning categories were derived in the analysis. They were modeled as follows: antecedent conditions affect, informal processes and practical efforts, which, in turn, affect inter-organizational trust and collaboration. These higher-order categories are all influenced by formal organizational aspects and the society in which they are found.Research limitations/implicationsThe existing literature covering the chosen study focus is limited. Further studies are needed and the presented model can serve as a road map.Practical implicationsA series of questions derived from the categories of the model is presented. The questions are included as a tool for practical reflection for collaborating actors in common education, training or exercise settings or in after-action reviews.Originality/valueThe focus on social psychological aspects of civil-military inter-organizational collaboration, particularly in a total defense context, is new. The suggested relationship between superior themes adds knowledge to a research field dominated by sociological and political science approaches.
International Journal of Organizational Analysis – Emerald Publishing
Published: Apr 10, 2023
Keywords: Civil-military; Inter-organizational collaboration; Total defense; Leadership; Social psychological; Scoping review
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