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M. Finnegan, C. Pickering, P. Burge (1984)
The sick building syndrome: prevalence studies.British Medical Journal (Clinical research ed.), 289
S. Burge, A. Hedge, S. Wilson, J. Bass, A. Robertson (1987)
Sick building syndrome: a study of 4373 office workers.The Annals of occupational hygiene, 31 4A
A. Robertson, P. Burge, A. Hedge, J. Sims, F. Gill, M. Finnegan, C. Pickering, G. Dalton (1985)
Comparison of health problems related to work and environmental measurements in two office buildings with different ventilation systems.British Medical Journal (Clinical research ed.), 291
Considers the condition of sick building syndrome and the factorsthat may cause it. Discusses the definition of SBS, the likely causes,physical factors, indoor pollution, personal factors, organizationalfactors, when SBS can be definitely diagnosed, and future plans.Surmises that significant reductions in SBS can be achieved at little orno cost in many cases, to the benefit of productivity and reduced costs.
Property Management – Emerald Publishing
Published: Feb 1, 1991
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