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@ Pakistan Microfinance Network
This study attempts to examine how employee orientations and paranoid arousal intersect and influence the voice behaviors of employees, as they significantly influence workplace practices.Design/methodology/approachDrawing on a multi-source and multi-time-based survey, the data were collected from 37 supervisors and 270 employees in 80 branches of 11 microfinance banks. SmartPLS-4.1 was used to test the measurement and structural model. A total of 307 questionnaires were used for the data analysis.FindingsThis research presents the contrasting results of employee orientations with voice behavior. Results support the direct relationship between paranoid arousal and promotive-prohibitive voice behaviors. However, no support was found for approach-avoidance orientation and promotive-prohibitive voice behaviors.Practical implicationsEmployees' ability to voice-out in organizations depends on several motivational factors, consolidated into three areas – organizational culture, leadership, and individual traits. Organizations must implement a culture of transparency and open communication. Participative and inclusive leadership styles increase the quality of relationships with employees, stimulating a promotive voice. A support system for employees is needed to advance in their careers, increasing promotive behaviors.Originality/valueThe study adds value to the existing body of knowledge by studying approach-avoidance orientations and voice behaviors through the lens of paranoid arousal in the framework.
Business Process Management Journal – Emerald Publishing
Published: Oct 29, 2024
Keywords: Approach-avoidance orientation; Paranoid arousal; Prohibitive voice; Promotive voice; Microfinance banks
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