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The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of shared transformational leadership and its components on team viability and team satisfaction through the mediating processes of workplace spirituality and team trust, the emergent states of team processes.Design/methodology/approachThis study is based on software project teams working in India’s information technology sector. The study adopts a cross-sectional research design to investigate the relationships between the study’s constructs.FindingsThis study shows varying effects of the components of shared transformational leadership on team viability and team satisfaction. The study has shown empirical evidence for the mediating role of workplace spirituality in the relationship between shared transformational leadership components and team effectiveness components. This study reveals the intervening roles of workplace spirituality and team trust in the relationship between shared transformational leadership as a unidimensional construct and team viability and effectiveness.Research limitations/implicationsTeam rewards and team autonomy can cultivate a sense of community and trust among team members. Team trust facilitates autonomy, and workplace spirituality helps develop connectedness among team members.Originality/valueThis study has contributed to the research discourse on team effectiveness by demonstrating that workplace spirituality and team trust act as mediators in the relationship between shared transformational leadership and team effectiveness. This study has shown the relative strength of the effects of the components of shared transformational leadership on workplace spirituality, team viability and team satisfaction.
Journal of Asia Business Studies – Emerald Publishing
Published: Feb 28, 2023
Keywords: Shared transformational leadership; Workplace spirituality; Team trust; Team effectiveness; Team viability; Team satisfaction
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