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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to develop and test a conceptual model of the relationships among the constructs of “service quality”, “emotional satisfaction”, and “behavioural intention” in the hospitality industry. Design/methodology/approach – The study utilises a review of the literature to propose a conceptual model that postulates that: service quality is positively related to consumers' emotions; service quality is positively related to behavioural intentions; and consumers' emotions are positively related to behavioural intentions. Moreover, the model postulates that emotional satisfaction partially mediates the effect of service quality on behavioural intentions. The model is tested in an empirical study with data from a survey among 200 Canadian travellers. Findings – All the hypothesised relationships are supported. The results confirm that service quality exerts both direct and indirect effects (through emotional satisfaction) on behavioural intentions. Research limitations/implications – Future research should focus on the role of emotional satisfaction in service experience in a variety of settings. Originality/value – The research provides valuable insights into the role of emotional satisfaction in the hotel service experience. Emotional satisfaction makes a significant contribution to the prediction of behavioural intentions (such as loyalty, word of mouth, and willingness to pay more).
Managing Service Quality – Emerald Publishing
Published: May 15, 2009
Keywords: Customer services quality; Customer satisfaction; Hospitality services; Canada
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