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Michael Stetter, D. Willower (1985)
School Principals as Threshold Guardians: An Exploratory Study.Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 31
John Meyer, Brian Rowan (1977)
Institutionalized Organizations: Formal Structure as Myth and CeremonyAmerican Journal of Sociology, 83
W. Waller (1965)
The Sociology of Teaching
Glenn Carroll, John Meyer, W. Scott, Brian Rowan, T. Deal (1984)
Organizational Environments: Ritual and Rationality
Henry Giroux (1983)
Theories of Reproduction and Resistance in the New Sociology of Education: A Critical AnalysisHarvard Educational Review, 53
D. Willower (1982)
School Organizations: Perspectives in JuxtapositionEducational Administration Quarterly, 18
James Thompson (1967)
Organizations in Action
Fifty school superintendents were interviewed about incidents ofserious misconduct by school personnel. The superintendents indicatedthat they case managed the incidents, acting quickly but mindful of dueprocess. The incidents dealt mainly with violations of broad communitynorms. Comparisons were made with a previous study of school principals.It was suggested that institutional organisations theorys blanketemphasis on ritualistic legitimation, the logic of confidence, andnormative as opposed to technical assessment of schools is too strong.
Journal of Educational Administration – Emerald Publishing
Published: Feb 1, 1991
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