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This study aims to identify the dimensions of satisfaction in the halal tourism literature by analyzing the identified antecedents and outcomes. The study aims to synthesize the current empirical findings in halal tourism. Additionally, this study provides a comprehensive understanding of the factors that lead to halal traveller satisfaction.Design/methodology/approachUsing a meta-analysis approach, this paper synthesizes the fragmented and conflicting findings of 56 quantitative studies focusing on satisfaction and its antecedents and consequences in the halal tourism context. Data from 145 relationships representing an aggregate sample size of 21,173 were used. Additionally, this study extends the analysis by incorporating contemporary factors such as the impact of COVID-19, sample size and gender as moderators.FindingsThe findings indicate that both physical characteristics and psychological aspects are positively related to satisfaction. Further, this study reported that endorsement and revisit intention are the significant consequences of satisfaction. Lastly, this study identifies the significant moderating effect of the COVID-19 pandemic, sample size and gender on the relationship between satisfaction and its antecedents/consequences.Research limitations/implicationsGlobal halal tourism industry caters to Muslim and non-Muslim tourists across the globe; this article identifies the contributing factors of satisfaction in the halal tourism context. Policymakers can adapt according to their needs and preferences.Originality/valueThis study provides cumulative evidence to the literature regarding the relationship between satisfaction and its antecedents/consequences in halal tourism. This is the first meta-analysis study on the mentioned topic, making significant theoretical, managerial and methodological contributions to halal tourism research.
Journal of Islamic Marketing – Emerald Publishing
Published: Nov 18, 2024
Keywords: Halal tourism; Meta-analysis; Religious beliefs; Satisfaction; Tourist satisfaction
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