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This paper presents a critical examination of the contemporary state of the accounting discipline and poses the question of its future trajectory. The aim of the study is to show that the path to be followed is the one traced by the masters of the discipline, which lies in the wake of the rediscovery of social and moral values and shared value.Design/methodology/approachStudy of the conceptual nature of research topic, that is, the discipline of accounting, in an intertemporal exploration through some selected theoretical constructs.FindingsThere is no need for a new accounting science with new paradigms, but only for a recovery of the social and moral values of accounting that have lain dormant during the dusty centuries of human history.Research limitations/implicationsThe study does not provide an extensive analysis of the evolution of accounting history.Practical implicationsThe recovery of the social and ethical dimension will not only make accounting more attractive to young students but will also have a medium-term impact on the profession, freeing it from the stereotypes of an unexciting and aseptic discipline. This broadening of scope and momentum inspires the engagement of academics, practitioners, experts and policymakers in confronting and proactively addressing the complex challenges that the world faces today, toward the United Nations 2030 Agenda and beyond.Originality/valueThis historical paper’s originality lies in its intertemporal perspective.
Meditari Accountancy Research – Emerald Publishing
Published: Sep 10, 2024
Keywords: Accounting; Moral values; Social values; Shared value; Agenda 2030; SDG’s goals; Sustainability; Future
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