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June, 1940 AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING 191 683,504 . Wing construction. Junkers Claims can be ascertained by means of a graduation on Flugzeug-und-Motorenwerke A.G., Dessau. In th e spar. The segment has a cross-connexion (17) 1. A jig for the construction of aircraft parts ventors : Dr. Ing. Herbert Wagner and Dipl. Ing. which can be used as a gauge-stick whose gradua with curved contours, particularly the framework tion (18), extending from the centre outwards and Franz Villinger. 29/10/37, published 8/11/39. of aircraft fuselages, has a thin steel ribbon (1) as a t o which are fixed a sliding gauge (20) and also, Claims gauge located vertically on a datum plate and fixed in the vertical plane, a thickness gauge (26), the 1. Wing construction consisting of one main adjustabl y by means of stops which can be moved first of both showing a normal graduation (27), wing and one or more auxiliary wings which, by parallel to the datum plate. The jig is charac bu t with a freely movable double slide (23), and means of swinging arms hinged with the auxiliary terized by the fact that the leg (2) of the stop (3) is equipped with two apertures (24/25) for the wings, can be moved and whose angle of attack serving as support of the stop (3) can be turned as a result of the movement of the swinging arms gauge-stick and the sliding gauge. vertically to the datum plate and can be bolted. can be altered. The arrangement is characterized 2. Instrument for measuring and checking air 2. A jig as in Claim 1, but with the leg (2) can by the fact that the swinging arms may be moved screws as in Claim 1. The sliding gauge (20) slides b e movable around an axis vertical to the ground beyond a position corresponding with the greatest over a fixed measuring point (21) and its lower plat e (4). distance between the leading edge of the auxiliary longitudinal leg moves parallel to the cross-section 3. A jig as in Claims 1 and 2, but with the wing and the leading edge of the main wing. a t the same distance from a fixed point (19). stops (3) located on a comparatively thin metal 2. Wing construction as in Claim 1; the plat e and movable along, or fixed in, the slots (5) auxiliary wing is adjusted by means of swinging in the plate (4). arms, which are connected with the auxiliary wing through universal joints and can be moved around axes which are fixed in regard to the main wing. We publish here a page of abstracts of Claim 2 is characterized by the fact that a guide is attached to the swinging arm which is hinged to recen t German patent specifications in plac e of the British patents, whic h are no w subjec t to control and all important specification s kept secret. It is intended t o make this page a regular monthly feature so long as it is possible to obtain details of German patents 683,881 . Method for the assembl y of metal container s with partition walls, particularly of Aeroplane Fuel Tanks with Baffle Plates. I.G. Farbenindustrie, Frankfurt a.M. Inventor: Erns t de Ridder. 8/8/37, published 17/11/39. 3. Instrument for checking and measuring air screws as in Claims 1 and 2 ; characterized by the fact tha t the fixed point is simultaneously the centre of the quadrant. 684,141 . Control of interconnected channels for boundary-layer suction. Messerschmitt A. G. Augsburg. Inventor: Dipl. Ing. Rudolf Busselmeier. 29/10/37, published 8/11/39. Claims 1. Control of ducts for the suction of th e boundary layer from one wing slot to another, according to paten t 681,723. The change of suction from the outer to the inner portion of the wing and vice versa is performed by a device, preferably a slat, regulated by the changes of the angle of incidence. the auxiliary wing a t a point which is displaced in 2. Control system as in Claim 1, bu t with only one regard to the ideal point of the universal joint in small slat (g) connected with a switch (e) for the direction of the joint axis of the auxiliary wing changing the suction by means of a rod (f), or and lies at a distance, representing a lever arm, similar device, in such a way that in the case of from the joint axis of the auxiliary wing. the slat being closed suction is effected by one or 3. Wing construction as in Claim 1. The auxiliary more internal suction slots while in case of the wing is adjusted by means of swinging arms which slat being opened suction is achieved by one or are connected with the auxiliary wing by universal more suction slots. joints and which can be moved around axes which 3. Control as in Claims 1 and 2, but with arrange are fixed in regard to the main wing and run ment s for interrupting the connexion (f) between vertically to the plane of the main wing. One fixed Claims slat (g) and switch (e). joint axis of the universal joint runs in a warped 4. Control as in Claims 1 to 3, but with a device 1. Method for the assembly of metal containers direction to the axis of the swinging arms, while for the direct operation of the switch. wit h partition walls; particularly of aeroplane the other fixed joint axis of the universal joint, fuel tanks with baffle plates, whereby the bailie in respect to the auxiliary wing, runs in the direction plate s are not fitted into, but are welded to, the of a chord of the auxiliary wing. oute r skin of the container. The bottom plata (d) 683,505 . Jig for the constructio n of aircraft of the container is equipped with a hinge (c) along parts . Henschel Flugzeugwcrke A. G., Schöne- th e junction with the baffle plate (c) so that the leld, Kr. Teltow. Inventor: Dipl. Ing. Günther hinge fits into another hinge (f) attached to the Gerecke. 27/2/38, published 9/11/39. edge of the baffle plate; then a hinge wire (g) is inserted through the drilled hole (h) in the skin of the container and through the eyes of the hinges (e) and (f), and the bottom plate is welded to the container ; finally, the drilled holes in the cover of the container are closed. 2. Method as in Claim 1; characterized by the fact that the hinge (e) on the bottom plate is fixed to a T-section (k) welded to the bottom. 684,090 . Instrument for measuring and checkin g airscrews. Johann Fischer, Aschaffen- burg . 30/8/36, published 22/11/39. Claims 1. An instrument for the measuring and checking of airscrews with a segment of an angle gauge which can be moved and fixed in a vertical plane an d whose actual position in regard to its height
Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology – Emerald Publishing
Published: Jun 1, 1940
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