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Purpose – The purpose of this study is to investigate the underlying characteristics that influence quality management implementation at manufacturing companies operating in China. Design/methodology/approach – The data of this study were based on 199 manufacturing companies collected from a cross‐sectional survey in China. The cultural profiles of these companies were identified through cluster analysis. Multivariate analysis of variance was conducted to identify the effects of operating characteristics and cultural profile on the implementation level of quality management practices. Findings – The results show that in general, there is no significant difference in implementing quality management practices among companies of different operating characteristics in terms of company size, industry, ownership, and production process. This study reveals that cultural profile is a distinguishing factor to explain the difference in quality management implementation among the companies. Originality/value – As China is becoming an important supplier of products to the global market, it is necessary to understand how product quality is controlled and managed in China. This study examines the effects of operating and cultural characteristics of companies in China on their implementation of quality management practices. The results contribute to a deeper understanding of how to build an effective quality system at companies in China.
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management – Emerald Publishing
Published: Sep 6, 2011
Keywords: Quality management; Firm characteristics; Organizational culture; China
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