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Purpose – The paper seeks to give some reviews of quality function deployment and by using a systems thinking perspective to show how QFD can be a useful and profit‐making tool for business decision making in general. Design/methodology/approach – In order to show that QFD is a tool that brings profit to the organization the paper has designed various loops using systems thinking perspectives and fundamentals theorems for discussion purposes and facts verification. Findings – The task of successful product development must encompass the management commitment in giving value to the voice of the customer by using quality function deployment. This is because this quality function tool can make a significant contribution to business success through profit generation and competiveness enhancement. Practical implications – This research helps the pros and cons of quality function deployment in getting a better understanding and usefulness of the QFD. Original/value – This paper helps management in getting a better understanding of the quality function deployment, its power of profit‐making and productivity enhancement and the role that systems thinking can have in better describing the problem to the middle and top management.
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management – Emerald Publishing
Published: Oct 11, 2011
Keywords: Quality function deployment; Systems thinking perspectives; Voice of customers; Profitability engagement; Decision making
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