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Sustainable public procurement – book chapter (2014)
A. Wiesbrock (2015)
Sociallyresponsible public procurement
D. Card, A.B. Krueger (1993)
Minimum wages and employment: a case study of the fast food industry in New Jersey and Pennsylvania (working paper no. 4509)
SITRA -Finland's Future Fund -The World Circular Economy Forum WCEF
PPN 06/20 procurement policy note – taking account of social value in the award of Central government contracts [WWW document]
C. McCrudden (2004)
Using public procurement to achieve social outcomesNatural Resources Forum, 28
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Buying Social Justice: Equality, Government Procurement & Legal ChangeDiscrimination
Economy of Wellbeing [WWW Document]. Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
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Responsible business alliance and public procurement [WWW document]
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J. Zuo, X. Jin, Lisa Flynn (2012)
Social Sustainability in Construction – An Explorative StudyInternational Journal of Construction Management, 12
C. Furneaux, Jo Barraket (2014)
Purchasing social good(s): a definition and typology of social procurementPublic Money & Management, 34
J. McMurtry (2014)
The Political Economy of ProcurementCanadian Public Policy, 40
A. Touboulic, H. Walker (2015)
Theories in sustainable supply chain management: a structured literature reviewInternational Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 45
S. New (2015)
Modern slavery and the supply chain: the limits of corporate social responsibility?Supply Chain Management, 20
J. Edler, L. Georghiou (2007)
Public procurement and innovation?Resurrecting the demand sideResearch Policy, 36
About PIANOo
Norway is one of three countries with mandatory human rights due diligence legislation
Firms must commit to net zero to win major government contracts
Fairphone | The phone that cares for people and planet
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H. Walker, Lutz Preuss (2008)
Fostering sustainability through sourcing from small businesses: public sector perspectivesJournal of Cleaner Production, 16
Karen Jaehrling (2015)
The state as a ‘socially responsible customer’? Public procurement between market-making and market-embeddingEuropean Journal of Industrial Relations, 21
E. Uyarra, Kieron Flanagan (2009)
Understanding the Innovation Impacts of Public ProcurementEuropean Planning Studies, 18
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Building theories from case study researchSTUDI ORGANIZZATIVI
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Sub-national government involvement in international trade negotiations evidence review
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How Oxfam Has Worked With Unilever to Enhance its Social Impact
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PPN 06/20 Procurement Policy Note -taking account of social value in the award of central government contracts
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Trade Beyond COVID-19: Building Resilience
Manchester City Council Spend Analysis 2018/19 | CLES
Integrating Responsible Business Conduct in Public Procurement
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£1 Billion -2020 Buy Social Corporate Challenge
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Trudeau warns black tie business elite to "get real" about anxiety workers feel
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Grenfell inquiry has cost 100 times amount saved on cladding
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Theories in sustainable supply chain management: a structured literature review [WWW document]
Where is the European Commission going on due diligence and access to remedy in 2020?
J. Wallace (2019)
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It's time for a global minimum wage: capitalism has been globalised, but the rules that protect people from capitalism have not
Undated. WTO | The history of multilateral trading system
Economists are turning to culture to explain wealth and poverty
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This paper examines the role of government procurement as a social policy mechanism within a multilateral open trading system. Government regulations globally are being transformed to foster more responsible business conduct in multinational enterprises (MNEs). Yet, concern that sustainability may present a discriminatory barrier to trade has stalled the progress of sustainable public procurement (SPP) at the international level, raising questions regarding the role and scope of the World Trade Organisation’s (WTO) Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) to align taxpayer-funded contracts with the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals.Design/methodology/approachWith a focus on social sustainability, this paper reviews the grey and academic literature to assess the changing landscape of public procurement policy and supply chain legislation in high-income countries.FindingsFrontrunner nations are adopting a mandatory approach to sustainable public procurement and due diligence legislation is elevating supply chain risk from reputational damage to legal liability. While technological innovation and the clean, green production of manufactured goods dominates the sustainable public procurement literature, the social aspects of sustainability poverty, inequality and human rights remain underrepresented.Research limitations/implicationsThe scope of this paper is limited to the examination of government procurement covered by the WTO-GPA (2012). Smaller value contracts, under the WTO-GPA thresholds and the category of defence are beyond the scope of the paper.Social implicationsThe paper focusses on the underserved topic of social sustainability in business-to-government (B2G) – business to government – supply chains arguing that for responsible business conduct to become a competitive advantage, it must be more meaningfully rewarded on the demand-side of all taxpayer-funded contracts in organisation for economic co-operation and development countries. The paper introduces the idea of priceless procurement as a mechanism to build system capacity in the evaluation of non-financial sustainability objectives.Originality/valueTo build the capacity to stimulate competition based on social and environmental policy objectives, the paper introduces the concept of priceless procurement in B2G contracts.
Critical Perspectives on International Business – Emerald Publishing
Published: Jun 15, 2022
Keywords: Government policy; Labour; Corporate and social responsibility; Public procurement; SDG12.7; UNSDG; Sustainable public procurement; Socially responsible public procurement; Government procurement; Decent work; Responsible management
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