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This paper is a critique of Western modernity and the problems and promises of postmodernism in (re)liberating disaster studies. It criticizes metanarratives and grand theories of Western discourses to advance postmodern discourses in disaster studies.Design/methodology/approachThis paper outlines a conceptual domain through which approaches of postmodernism can be employed to (re)liberate disaster studies.FindingsMetanarratives and grand theories frame the scope and focus of disaster studies. But the increasing number and the aggravated impacts of disasters and environmental challenges in the late 20th and early 21st centuries are proofs that our current “frames” do not capture the complexities of disasters. Postmodernism, in its diversity and various meanings, offers critical and complementary perspectives and approaches to capture the previously neglected dimensions of disasters.Research limitations/implicationsPostmodernism offers ways forward to (re)liberate disaster studies through ontological pluralism, epistemological diversity and hybridity of knowledge.Originality/valueThe agenda of postmodernism in disaster studies is proposed in terms of the focus of inquiry, ontological and epistemological positionalities, research paradigm, methodologies and societal goals.
Disaster Prevention and Management – Emerald Publishing
Published: May 28, 2024
Keywords: Disaster studies; Postmodernism; Western modernity; Liberation; Metanarratives and grand theories; Petits récits; Ontological pluralism; Epistemological diversity; Hybridity of knowledge
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