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This study aims to increase the understanding of the pregnancy-related information behavior (IB) of pregnant women in Estonia.Design/methodology/approachThe research involved a quantitative research methodology consisting of a semi-structured questionnaire. Data was collected from pregnant Estonian women through a self-administered Web-based questionnaire using a convenience sampling during the period from January to February 2019. A total of 300 pregnant women answered the questionnaire. The data were analysed using statistical analysis and the results of the study were compared with the results of previous studies.FindingsThe three topics on which information was most frequently sought were: fetal development, use of medicines during pregnancy and symptoms of pregnancy. The main sources of information were the internet and the midwife. The most reliable and valuable source of information was a midwife. Health-related information was sought mainly because it helped women make decisions related to pregnancy and childbirth. A number of factors facilitate the information seeking process. In addition, widespread access to the internet and technological skills facilitated IB. The following factors hindered the search for information: the controversy and/or ambiguity of information published on the internet and the time spent searching for information. Most women used wearable technologies during pregnancy.Research limitations/implicationsThis study has several limitations. First, the weakness of online surveys is the potential lack of representativeness, as it excludes from the survey those who do not have access to or ability to use the internet for various reasons (Evans and Mathur, 2005; Limbu et al., 2021). Second, as most recruitment for the study took place online, there was a risk that those who did not use the internet could be excluded from the survey. Third, as the questionnaire was also shared in the Facebook news feed by the Women’s Clinic and Maternity Hospital of the East Tallinn Central Hospital, it may be that the respondents recruited through it more often used the support provided by medical professionals. Fourth, due to the volume limits of the study, it is not possible to present all the results of the study on the basis of socio-demographic characteristics and stage of pregnancy. Therefore, the findings cannot be generalized to the broader population and future studies should explore a larger and more representative populations.Practical implicationsThis study will give some useful information to help to improve the services offered for pregnant women in Estonia.Social implicationsThe findings of this study may inform how to better support this target group.Originality/valueThere is a lack of research in Estonia that focuses on the IB of pregnant women and this research fills this gap.
Global Knowledge Memory and Communication – Emerald Publishing
Published: Feb 20, 2023
Keywords: Health information; Health information literacy; Health information behaviour; Health information seeking; Health information use; Pregnant women; Wearable technology; Wearable devices; Estonia
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