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Plastic Pipe in Industry

Plastic Pipe in Industry electrical insulation, is resistant to acids and tools and can be joined with standard LASTIC pipe is finding increasing acceptance in industry, especially in alkalis, and is suitable for pipe, valves and fittings. transporting corrosive materials. Depend­ fittings in a wide range of chemical applica­ Welding , coupling and threading ing on the substances involved in its manu­ tions. Such pipe is easily machined, can be facture, plastic pipe has high tensile threaded by slightly modified dies, and Depending on the material used in plastic lengths can be joined simply by welding piping, there are several methods which strength and in some cases, it is said, better with a hot-air gun. Although this pipe is can be used to combine sections or fit it weight-strength ratio than either steel or more expensive, its durability and replace­ into existing metal pipelines, such as: aluminium and higher impact resistance than many metals. Its chemical resistivity ment for aluminium, stainless steel and (1). Solvent welding. Butyrate and makes it suitable for sewage and chemical copper pipes more than offsets its initial polyvinyl pipe can be welded by using disposal lines, electrical conduit and some cost. Saran pipe has been valuable in suitable solvent materials and cements. transporting corrosive liquids, gases and petroleum applications. It can be coupled The thinner and cement are applied to the suspended solids. to standard metal piping with plastic or ends of the pipe to be joined and they are metal fittings and generally is readily then forced into a sleeve until they butt Reinforced polyester. A combination machined and threaded by slightly modi­ together at the centre. Each end is twisted of light weight and strength makes this fied dies. Some types of material used are to ensure spreading and bonding of the glass-reinforced plastic pipe ideal for ap­ self-extinguishing and provide good insula­ cement and a bead of cement is applied to plications where resistance to weather and tion against heat and electricity. The use each end of the sleeve. Joined sections salt water is desirable, or where non­ of plastic pipe is not only economical and may be installed within a few minutes, with magnetic materials are necessary. Although practical for many applications, but it re­ the pipe attaining its full strength within still in the development stage, the weight- duces maintenance requirements and re­ 24 hr. under normal temperature. strength ratio appears to be better than placements because of its long-lasting Angle and 'T ' joints are made by sawing either steel or aluminium and the impact quality. the pipe at the proper points, soaking the resistance higher than many metals. It surfaces to be joined in a solvent and then For those interested in trying plastic can be used at working pressures of 600 pressing edges together. Such joints, when pipe the following information on materials p.s.i. between temperatures of -60° and dry, can be reinforced by applying cement used in its manufacture and the most suit­ 275°F. and is a good heat and electrical over the seams. able use of each type may be helpful in insulator. The material can be machined selecting the proper piping for any and threaded or flange-joined with certain (2) Coupling. Flexible or rigid pipe solvent cements. application: may be attached to metal lines by threaded plastic or stainless steel insert fittings. Such Butyrate. Cellulose acetate butyrate Styrene nitrile copolymer. Pipes of fittings can also be used to enlarge or reduce pipe is widely used in oil fields. It is resis­ this type are rigid and have high bursting line size. tant to salt water and soil corrosion, gasoline, strength and impact resistance, depending some chloride and carbonate solutions and (3) Threading. Rigid vinyl, Saran, and on composition modification. Such pipe mild acid concentrations. Since this pipe polythene pipe are easily threaded by has a tensile strength up to 9,000 p.s.i., remains free from paraffin deposits over slightly modified thread dies. Special is resistant to exposure and ageing and to long periods of use and has less adhesion threading compounds are recommended many acids, alkalis and chemicals. It is between pipe walls and material flowing suitable for sewage and chemical disposal and fittings should be made with a strap through the line, higher delivery rates of lines, electrical conduits and some pet­ wrench to avoid tearing the plastic surface. liquid are possible than with a steel conduit roleum applications. It can be joined (4) Heat welding. Saran and hard vinyl of the same size. Extruded 1½-in . pipe has with solvent-welded slip joints and attached pipe can be heat-welded by one of several a safe working pressure of 104 p.s.i. at to metal lines with threaded fittings. methods. Surfaces to be joined are heated 120°F. Sections can be coupled by solvent- with a hot shoe or plate and held together welded fittings or flange unions. This Hard vinyl. Hard vinyl pipe is stronger until the material softens. The ends are piping is available in transparent, trans­ than other thermoplastic pipe. It has a then brought together quickly and held lucent or opaque form and permits easy bursting strength of 2,000 p.s.i. in the firmly in the proper position until pipe inspection of system. smaller sizes, good resistance to acids, sections are solidly joined. This material alkalis, solvents and weather exposure, and Polythene. Owing to its chemical inert­ can also be joined by holding the pipe ends has a top service temperature resistance of ness, polythene pipe is most suitable in against rotating or moving surfaces which 170°F. Its corrosion resistance and strength food processing industries where tempera­ generate enough heat to fuse the ends. The make it practical for piping jobs ordinarily tures are not prohibitive. However, it is other method involves a hot-air gun and handled by metal pipe. It can be machined also suitable for irrigation, sewage dis­ plastic welding rod, used in a manner and threaded with standard pipe dies, its posal, cold water, chemical plant and similar to that employed in performing shape can be changed by heating to around radiant heating applications, also in mining conventional gas welding. (R. H. Wilcox, 250°F., and it is believed to be suitable for applications, where it is said to have out­ Mill and Factory, U.S.A.) heat exchangers, process lines and chemical lasted untreated steel pipe by several processing. hundred times. It is not recommended for use where temperatures above 110°F. are Sherardizing Tempron. This material is reported to encountered. It can be coupled to stan­ give pipe greater resistance to chemicals at We regret that a line was omitted from dard metal piping with plastic or metal high temperatures than other nitrile-base our note on this book in the October issue. fittings. It resists impact, is flexible and compounds. It has a tensile strength of The fourth sentence in the second para­ lightweight, and is the most popular of all more than 7,000 p.s.i. and can be used at graph should have read "Th e Sherardizing plastic pipe materials. working temperatures around 260°F. It is of screw threads and of ferrous articles resistant at room temperature to ether, ben­ which are in contact with aluminium articles Saran. Saran (a vinylidene chloride poly­ zene, carbon tetrachloride, organic acids mer plastic) has more heat resistance than is discussed . . . " The omission of the and bases and this makes it suitable for some types. It has great tensile strength italicised words gave the impression that difficult chemical applications. It can be aluminium can be Sherardized, which is and becomes stronger with age, is self- threaded with modified pipe-threading quite incorrect. extinguishing and makes a good heat and 336 CORROSION TECHNOLOGY, November 1954 Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials Emerald Publishing

Plastic Pipe in Industry

Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials , Volume 1 (9): 1 – Sep 1, 1954

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electrical insulation, is resistant to acids and tools and can be joined with standard LASTIC pipe is finding increasing acceptance in industry, especially in alkalis, and is suitable for pipe, valves and fittings. transporting corrosive materials. Depend­ fittings in a wide range of chemical applica­ Welding , coupling and threading ing on the substances involved in its manu­ tions. Such pipe is easily machined, can be facture, plastic pipe has high tensile threaded by slightly modified dies, and Depending on the material used in plastic lengths can be joined simply by welding piping, there are several methods which strength and in some cases, it is said, better with a hot-air gun. Although this pipe is can be used to combine sections or fit it weight-strength ratio than either steel or more expensive, its durability and replace­ into existing metal pipelines, such as: aluminium and higher impact resistance than many metals. Its chemical resistivity ment for aluminium, stainless steel and (1). Solvent welding. Butyrate and makes it suitable for sewage and chemical copper pipes more than offsets its initial polyvinyl pipe can be welded by using disposal lines, electrical conduit and some cost. Saran pipe has been valuable in suitable solvent materials and cements. transporting corrosive liquids, gases and petroleum applications. It can be coupled The thinner and cement are applied to the suspended solids. to standard metal piping with plastic or ends of the pipe to be joined and they are metal fittings and generally is readily then forced into a sleeve until they butt Reinforced polyester. A combination machined and threaded by slightly modi­ together at the centre. Each end is twisted of light weight and strength makes this fied dies. Some types of material used are to ensure spreading and bonding of the glass-reinforced plastic pipe ideal for ap­ self-extinguishing and provide good insula­ cement and a bead of cement is applied to plications where resistance to weather and tion against heat and electricity. The use each end of the sleeve. Joined sections salt water is desirable, or where non­ of plastic pipe is not only economical and may be installed within a few minutes, with magnetic materials are necessary. Although practical for many applications, but it re­ the pipe attaining its full strength within still in the development stage, the weight- duces maintenance requirements and re­ 24 hr. under normal temperature. strength ratio appears to be better than placements because of its long-lasting Angle and 'T ' joints are made by sawing either steel or aluminium and the impact quality. the pipe at the proper points, soaking the resistance higher than many metals. It surfaces to be joined in a solvent and then For those interested in trying plastic can be used at working pressures of 600 pressing edges together. Such joints, when pipe the following information on materials p.s.i. between temperatures of -60° and dry, can be reinforced by applying cement used in its manufacture and the most suit­ 275°F. and is a good heat and electrical over the seams. able use of each type may be helpful in insulator. The material can be machined selecting the proper piping for any and threaded or flange-joined with certain (2) Coupling. Flexible or rigid pipe solvent cements. application: may be attached to metal lines by threaded plastic or stainless steel insert fittings. Such Butyrate. Cellulose acetate butyrate Styrene nitrile copolymer. Pipes of fittings can also be used to enlarge or reduce pipe is widely used in oil fields. It is resis­ this type are rigid and have high bursting line size. tant to salt water and soil corrosion, gasoline, strength and impact resistance, depending some chloride and carbonate solutions and (3) Threading. Rigid vinyl, Saran, and on composition modification. Such pipe mild acid concentrations. Since this pipe polythene pipe are easily threaded by has a tensile strength up to 9,000 p.s.i., remains free from paraffin deposits over slightly modified thread dies. Special is resistant to exposure and ageing and to long periods of use and has less adhesion threading compounds are recommended many acids, alkalis and chemicals. It is between pipe walls and material flowing suitable for sewage and chemical disposal and fittings should be made with a strap through the line, higher delivery rates of lines, electrical conduits and some pet­ wrench to avoid tearing the plastic surface. liquid are possible than with a steel conduit roleum applications. It can be joined (4) Heat welding. Saran and hard vinyl of the same size. Extruded 1½-in . pipe has with solvent-welded slip joints and attached pipe can be heat-welded by one of several a safe working pressure of 104 p.s.i. at to metal lines with threaded fittings. methods. Surfaces to be joined are heated 120°F. Sections can be coupled by solvent- with a hot shoe or plate and held together welded fittings or flange unions. This Hard vinyl. Hard vinyl pipe is stronger until the material softens. The ends are piping is available in transparent, trans­ than other thermoplastic pipe. It has a then brought together quickly and held lucent or opaque form and permits easy bursting strength of 2,000 p.s.i. in the firmly in the proper position until pipe inspection of system. smaller sizes, good resistance to acids, sections are solidly joined. This material alkalis, solvents and weather exposure, and Polythene. Owing to its chemical inert­ can also be joined by holding the pipe ends has a top service temperature resistance of ness, polythene pipe is most suitable in against rotating or moving surfaces which 170°F. Its corrosion resistance and strength food processing industries where tempera­ generate enough heat to fuse the ends. The make it practical for piping jobs ordinarily tures are not prohibitive. However, it is other method involves a hot-air gun and handled by metal pipe. It can be machined also suitable for irrigation, sewage dis­ plastic welding rod, used in a manner and threaded with standard pipe dies, its posal, cold water, chemical plant and similar to that employed in performing shape can be changed by heating to around radiant heating applications, also in mining conventional gas welding. (R. H. Wilcox, 250°F., and it is believed to be suitable for applications, where it is said to have out­ Mill and Factory, U.S.A.) heat exchangers, process lines and chemical lasted untreated steel pipe by several processing. hundred times. It is not recommended for use where temperatures above 110°F. are Sherardizing Tempron. This material is reported to encountered. It can be coupled to stan­ give pipe greater resistance to chemicals at We regret that a line was omitted from dard metal piping with plastic or metal high temperatures than other nitrile-base our note on this book in the October issue. fittings. It resists impact, is flexible and compounds. It has a tensile strength of The fourth sentence in the second para­ lightweight, and is the most popular of all more than 7,000 p.s.i. and can be used at graph should have read "Th e Sherardizing plastic pipe materials. working temperatures around 260°F. It is of screw threads and of ferrous articles resistant at room temperature to ether, ben­ which are in contact with aluminium articles Saran. Saran (a vinylidene chloride poly­ zene, carbon tetrachloride, organic acids mer plastic) has more heat resistance than is discussed . . . " The omission of the and bases and this makes it suitable for some types. It has great tensile strength italicised words gave the impression that difficult chemical applications. It can be aluminium can be Sherardized, which is and becomes stronger with age, is self- threaded with modified pipe-threading quite incorrect. extinguishing and makes a good heat and 336 CORROSION TECHNOLOGY, November 1954


Anti-Corrosion Methods and MaterialsEmerald Publishing

Published: Sep 1, 1954

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