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Barbara Kovach (1989)
Successful derailment: What fast trackers can learn while they're off the trackOrganizational Dynamics, 18
C. Margerison (1984)
Chief Executives' Perceptions of Managerial Success FactorsJournal of Management Development, 3
To enhance the development of individuals for executive positions,fasttrack management development programmes have been adopted by manyorganisations. However, such programmes do not always lead to positiveconsequences for the participant. The purpose of the present researchwas to investigate the frustrations of participants in an entrylevelfasttrack programme. Results of the study suggest several importantlessons for those responsible for fasttrack programmes. First,participants major frustrations involved issues regarding ongoingcareer guidance, future job assignment uncertainty, and the degree ofchallenge, responsibility, and variety inherent in their jobassignments. Second, participants are likely to have high expectationsfor themselves and their careers which must be considered. Third,company executives and programme supervisors may misjudge thefrustrations of participants therefore, monitoring such frustrations isimportant.
Leadership & Organization Development Journal – Emerald Publishing
Published: Apr 1, 1991
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