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Paints and Surface Coatings

Paints and Surface Coatings Advancing technology brings a continual flow of new materials to the building industry, not least in the field of paints and other types of surface coatings. While some of these have not fulfilled the glowing claims made for them and have vanished from the scene, most have shown a balance of advantages and have displaced older traditional products. Who would now exchange emulsion paints for distempers Yet there often seem to be an underlying resistance and a belief that modern paints are not as durable as older ones, or as good in some undefined way. Structural Survey Emerald Publishing

Paints and Surface Coatings

Structural Survey , Volume 1 (4): 5 – Apr 1, 1983

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Advancing technology brings a continual flow of new materials to the building industry, not least in the field of paints and other types of surface coatings. While some of these have not fulfilled the glowing claims made for them and have vanished from the scene, most have shown a balance of advantages and have displaced older traditional products. Who would now exchange emulsion paints for distempers Yet there often seem to be an underlying resistance and a belief that modern paints are not as durable as older ones, or as good in some undefined way.


Structural SurveyEmerald Publishing

Published: Apr 1, 1983

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