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P. Senge (1997)
THE FIFTH DISCIPLINEMeasuring Business Excellence, 1
Chaordic Alliance
Chaordic Alliance brochure
P.M. Senge
Organizing for learning: building knowledge in the knowledge creating era”
D. Hock
The birch of the chaordic century: out of control and into order
This article provides experiential based insights into the process of organizational transformation, changing not only the organization's structure and practice but also the thinking and quality of interaction among the people who compose it. It traces the two-year change process undertaken at the MIT Center for Organizational Learning which resulted in a new self-governed, non-profit membership organization, the Society for Organizational Learning. It describes the context for the process, why it was undertaken, the key conceptual models that guided it, the results, what we learned and the implication for achieving fundamental change in contemporary organizations.
The Learning Organization – Emerald Publishing
Published: Oct 1, 1999
Keywords: Organizational change; Organizational learning
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