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PurposeNetworking practices are considered to be an important career advancement strategy. However, little empirical research exists which provides understanding of this phenomenon as it relates to the differences in practices and experiences between genders. The purpose of this paper is to explore how the role and nature of networking and career relationships in nonprofit sport organizations is perceived to impact career development.Design/methodology/approachIn total, 34 semi-structured interviews were conducted with male and female executives in a range of nonprofit organizations to elicit views, attitudes, and information regarding formal and informal networking strategies and practices employed in this context.FindingsFindings highlight differences in perceptions of how networking is defined, the central role of mentors, the nature of networking relationships, and networking strategies. The authors found that there are various perceived barriers with regard to gender and organizational culture in sport national governing bodies (NGBs).Research limitations/implicationsNetworking practice and policy implications are discussed for sport NGBs and other organizations. The authors offer recommendations for future research.Originality/valueThe project adds value to the understanding of the career advancement of women as it directly compares perceptions of men and women.
Sport Business and Management An International Journal – Emerald Publishing
Published: Jul 10, 2017
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