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This paper explores a type of organizing that can be found in tourist destinations that are administratively bound to a specific geographic area in the intersection of public and private context. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the understanding of the organizing of activities within destinations and also to contribute theoretically and conceptually to how place dependency and public/private can be understood from an industrial marketing and purchasing (IMP) network perspective.Design/methodology/approachThe research approach has its origin in an ongoing multi-disciplinary and longitudinal case study.FindingsBy applying a network approach to the organizing of destinations, where interaction of relationships, resources, actors and activities play an essential role, a number of propositions have been put forth so as to provide for a better understanding of place-specific organizing, in the intersection between public and private interests.Research limitations/implicationsThe paper is conceptual and more empirical studies are needed to test the findings. One implication to consider in future empirical studies is the tensions between created and organic networks that exist in public and private place partnerships.Practical implicationsThe paper provides insights into factors affecting destination management.Social implicationsWith an emphasis on a socio-political context, the opportunities and limitations that exist between public and private sectors are discussed.Originality/valueThe paper sheds light on a neglected aspect of a contemporary phenomenon where the IMP network approach could contribute to the understanding of destination marketing or management organization that are bound to a specific place in the intersection between the public and private context. The area of public-private organizing is a topic that may also add new aspects to the IMP community.
IMP Journal – Emerald Publishing
Published: Aug 13, 2018
Keywords: Place; Destination; Public-private partnership (PPP); DMO
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