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This study sought to advance understandings of migrant worker labor outcomes by examining (1) the relationship between migrant employees’ motivational cultural intelligence (CQ) and employee well-being and (2) whether voice behavior at work mediates this relationship.Design/methodology/approachWorking with leader–member exchange (LMX) theory and conservation of resources theory, the author proposed a multiple mediation model to explain the relationship between motivational CQ and employee outcomes and how employee voice may mediate this relationship. LMX and voice behavior were tested for the mediating effects in a cross-cultural context. To test the model, a questionnaire was conducted with Vietnamese migrants working in Taiwan (343 valid responses were collected). The results were analyzed using regression and bootstrapping.FindingsHigher motivational CQ was associated with higher levels of work engagement and lower levels of job burnout. Strong employee voice mediated this relationship: high motivational CQ enabled workers to learn cultural nuances that helped them speak up in appropriate ways (in part by building strong relationships with leaders), which positively influenced work engagement and job burnout.Originality/valueThis study is one of the first to clarify and contribute to the research domain of cross-cultural management and motivational CQ among Vietnamese migrant workers living in Asian cultures. Past studies regarding CQ have seldom studied Southeast Asian migrant workers and the impact of motivational CQ on job burnout and work engagement. This study fills this gap and provides empirical evidence that may prove helpful for international human resources and organizational leaders.
Employee Relations: An International Journal – Emerald Publishing
Published: Mar 21, 2023
Keywords: Cultural intelligence (CQ); Motivational cultural intelligence; Work engagement; Job burnout; Leader–member exchange (LMX); Cross-cultural management
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