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Month in the Patent Office

Month in the Patent Office 354 AIRCRAFT ENGINEERIN G December, 1929 A Selection from Important Aircraft and Aero Engine Specifications Recently Published No . 317,068. Indicating altitude of produced by the oscillation generator 14. The shoulder 33a on a hollow nut 33 adjustable in Aircraft . British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., circuit 8 may be omitted if the capacitative th e clutch part 6 to position the impeller. Crown House, Aldwych, London.—(Assignees coupling between the antennae 4, 7 is sufficient. A long bolt 30 passes through the shaft 16 and of Bentley, J. O. ; U.S. "Veterans' Hospital, a t its inner end through the shoulder 33a ; No . 318,348. Internal-combustion en­ Castle Point, New York, U.S.A.) March 16, th e bolt is used to take up end play of the gines . Parnall, G. G., Coliseum Works, Park 1929, No. 8589. Convention date, Aug. 10, shaft. Row, Bristol, and Pobjoy, D. R., Maicotte, 1928. Not yet accepted. Abridged as open No . 317,784. Seaplanes. Pegna, G., and Minster-on-Sea, Kent. July 17, 1928, No. t o inspection under Sect. 91 of the Acts. Piaggio & Co. Soc. Anon., 2, Via Petrarca, 20677. [Classes 7 (ii) and 110 (i).] [Class 37.] Genoa, Italy. Aug. 6, 1929, No. 23987. The height of aircraft above the earth is Pumps, driving gear for centrifugal.—A pump Convention date, Aug. 22, 1928. Not yet indicated by radiating towards the earth, from for supplying mixture to an engine is accepted. Abridged as open to inspection th e craft, high-frequency oscillations of varying driven through epicyclic gear which depends under Sect. 91 of the Acts. [Classes 4 and frequency and combining the oscillations re­ for its positive drive on friction between planet 113 (ii).] flected from the earth with oscillations radiated wheels 14 and an annulus 18 surrounding the Hydrovancs, arrangement of.—Seaplane floats directly from the craft to produce a current of wheels. are fitted with hydrovanes arranged in inverted beat frequency. Arranged on the aircraft is V-formation, the machine being supported on a transmitter 1 and a receiver 2, the trans­ th e vane tips when taking off. To provide mitte r radiating from an antenna 4 waves transverse stability when fully immersed the which travel downwards to the earth and are vanes ma y bo fitted with hinged sections similar reflected on to an antenna 7 on the receiver. to ailerons. To give longi­ tudinal stability, pairs of vanes may be arranged fore and aft and be fitted with hinged flaps. Where a low aerial propeller is fitted, an auxiliary marine propeller is used t o raise the float sufficiently out of the water t o enable the aerial propeller to be started up. The received waves may be amplified and Longitudinal penetration; fins g may be pro­ heterodyned with a wave received from the vided on the vane tips. The vanes may be transmitte r 1 directly, as through a circuit 8, hinged about longitudinal axes so that they th e beat-frequency current being supplied to can be raised and lowered. headphones or other frequency-responsive de­ A hollow impeller shaft 16 carries a sun vices 11. In th e transmitter 1 is an oscillation- wheel 15 ; the planet wheel spindles 12 are Britis h Standard Specifications generating valve 14 having a tuned circuit received in slots 7b, 8b formed in a tubular comprising a capacity 15 and an inductance 16, The British Engineering Standards Associa­ shaft 7 and closing flange 8. The shaft 7 tion announces the following alterations to the a portion of which is included in the primary carries one par t 6 of a dog clutch connecting to List of British Standard Specifications for winding of a transformer 17. In shunt with the engine shaft. Aircraft Materials and Components issued on th e condenser 15 is a linear-frequency condenser Jun e 1, 1929 (see AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING, 19 th e rotor of which is driven by a motor 12, so tha t the frequency of the oscillations genera­ August, 1929, page 213) :— te d by th e valve 14 is caused to vary cyclically. Revised Specifications Issued:—3 D1, Methyl These oscillations arc supplied to th e antenna 4 Ethy l Ketone. 3 D3, Amyl Acetate. 3 D4, through a winding 20 on the transformer 17 Butyl Acetate. 3D5, Castor Oil (for Nitro- and a commutator 21 insulated from the Dope Coverings). 3 D7, Benzyl Alcohol. 3 D9, condenser rotor at 9 and having half its peri­ Alcohol. 3 D10, Benzol. 3 D22, Acetone. phery formed of non-conducting material. A 2 D27, Zinc Oxide. 2 D28, Red Oxide of Iron. portion of the oscillations produced are supplied 2 D29, Identification Red. 2 D31 , Ultra­ through a circuit 8 to the primary winding marine Blue. 2 DS0, Cellulose Acetate. 2 L32, 23 of a transformer 24, which has a second Aluminium Bars. 3 V4, Ash. Revision Slip primar y winding connected to the receiving Issued :—4 W2, Flexible Steel Wire Rope. antenn a 7, which receives waves reflected from No new specifications have been issued and th e earth. The secondary winding of the trans­ none arc cancelled. former 24 is connected to a rectifying valve 25 and is tuned to the frequency of the received waves by a linear-frequency condenser 27, the Classified Advertisements roto r of which is driven by the motor 12, so tha t the frequency to which the receiver is 2/- per Line, 2 line Minimum, Payable in Advance. tune d is equal to and varies synchronously wit h the frequency of the transmitted waves Outside the annulus 18 are two brake shoes 19 on levers 20, 21. A spring 28 tends to hold O ALL AERONAUTICAL FIRMS.— th e shoes off the annulus ; in this position The specialised advertising and marketing * These abstracts of complete specifications of th e fan is driven a t engine speed, its resistance service required in the aviation field is Patents recently published are specially compiled, by t o motion being so slight that the friction provided by AEROMARINE ADVER­ permission of H.M. Stationery Office, from abridg­ between the spur teeth and between the planet TISING LTD., 56-57, Fleet Street, London, ments appearing in the Patent Journal. Printed wheels and annulus causes the gear to rotate copies of the full specifications can be obtained E.C. 4 (Tele.: Central 2423). This service solid. When the brake shoes grip the annulus from the Patent Office, 25, Southampton Buildings, is free to clients. Leading aeronautical firms th e impeller is driven a t seven times the engine London, W.2, price one shilling each. use this specialised organisation, which has speed. Except where otherwise stated, the specification been built up by aviation experts. Write is unaccompanied by drawings if none is Impeller, adjusting position of.—The inner reproduced. or 'phone. end of the impeller shaft 16 abuts against Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology Emerald Publishing

Month in the Patent Office

Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology , Volume 1 (10): 1 – Oct 1, 1929

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354 AIRCRAFT ENGINEERIN G December, 1929 A Selection from Important Aircraft and Aero Engine Specifications Recently Published No . 317,068. Indicating altitude of produced by the oscillation generator 14. The shoulder 33a on a hollow nut 33 adjustable in Aircraft . British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., circuit 8 may be omitted if the capacitative th e clutch part 6 to position the impeller. Crown House, Aldwych, London.—(Assignees coupling between the antennae 4, 7 is sufficient. A long bolt 30 passes through the shaft 16 and of Bentley, J. O. ; U.S. "Veterans' Hospital, a t its inner end through the shoulder 33a ; No . 318,348. Internal-combustion en­ Castle Point, New York, U.S.A.) March 16, th e bolt is used to take up end play of the gines . Parnall, G. G., Coliseum Works, Park 1929, No. 8589. Convention date, Aug. 10, shaft. Row, Bristol, and Pobjoy, D. R., Maicotte, 1928. Not yet accepted. Abridged as open No . 317,784. Seaplanes. Pegna, G., and Minster-on-Sea, Kent. July 17, 1928, No. t o inspection under Sect. 91 of the Acts. Piaggio & Co. Soc. Anon., 2, Via Petrarca, 20677. [Classes 7 (ii) and 110 (i).] [Class 37.] Genoa, Italy. Aug. 6, 1929, No. 23987. The height of aircraft above the earth is Pumps, driving gear for centrifugal.—A pump Convention date, Aug. 22, 1928. Not yet indicated by radiating towards the earth, from for supplying mixture to an engine is accepted. Abridged as open to inspection th e craft, high-frequency oscillations of varying driven through epicyclic gear which depends under Sect. 91 of the Acts. [Classes 4 and frequency and combining the oscillations re­ for its positive drive on friction between planet 113 (ii).] flected from the earth with oscillations radiated wheels 14 and an annulus 18 surrounding the Hydrovancs, arrangement of.—Seaplane floats directly from the craft to produce a current of wheels. are fitted with hydrovanes arranged in inverted beat frequency. Arranged on the aircraft is V-formation, the machine being supported on a transmitter 1 and a receiver 2, the trans­ th e vane tips when taking off. To provide mitte r radiating from an antenna 4 waves transverse stability when fully immersed the which travel downwards to the earth and are vanes ma y bo fitted with hinged sections similar reflected on to an antenna 7 on the receiver. to ailerons. To give longi­ tudinal stability, pairs of vanes may be arranged fore and aft and be fitted with hinged flaps. Where a low aerial propeller is fitted, an auxiliary marine propeller is used t o raise the float sufficiently out of the water t o enable the aerial propeller to be started up. The received waves may be amplified and Longitudinal penetration; fins g may be pro­ heterodyned with a wave received from the vided on the vane tips. The vanes may be transmitte r 1 directly, as through a circuit 8, hinged about longitudinal axes so that they th e beat-frequency current being supplied to can be raised and lowered. headphones or other frequency-responsive de­ A hollow impeller shaft 16 carries a sun vices 11. In th e transmitter 1 is an oscillation- wheel 15 ; the planet wheel spindles 12 are Britis h Standard Specifications generating valve 14 having a tuned circuit received in slots 7b, 8b formed in a tubular comprising a capacity 15 and an inductance 16, The British Engineering Standards Associa­ shaft 7 and closing flange 8. The shaft 7 tion announces the following alterations to the a portion of which is included in the primary carries one par t 6 of a dog clutch connecting to List of British Standard Specifications for winding of a transformer 17. In shunt with the engine shaft. Aircraft Materials and Components issued on th e condenser 15 is a linear-frequency condenser Jun e 1, 1929 (see AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING, 19 th e rotor of which is driven by a motor 12, so tha t the frequency of the oscillations genera­ August, 1929, page 213) :— te d by th e valve 14 is caused to vary cyclically. Revised Specifications Issued:—3 D1, Methyl These oscillations arc supplied to th e antenna 4 Ethy l Ketone. 3 D3, Amyl Acetate. 3 D4, through a winding 20 on the transformer 17 Butyl Acetate. 3D5, Castor Oil (for Nitro- and a commutator 21 insulated from the Dope Coverings). 3 D7, Benzyl Alcohol. 3 D9, condenser rotor at 9 and having half its peri­ Alcohol. 3 D10, Benzol. 3 D22, Acetone. phery formed of non-conducting material. A 2 D27, Zinc Oxide. 2 D28, Red Oxide of Iron. portion of the oscillations produced are supplied 2 D29, Identification Red. 2 D31 , Ultra­ through a circuit 8 to the primary winding marine Blue. 2 DS0, Cellulose Acetate. 2 L32, 23 of a transformer 24, which has a second Aluminium Bars. 3 V4, Ash. Revision Slip primar y winding connected to the receiving Issued :—4 W2, Flexible Steel Wire Rope. antenn a 7, which receives waves reflected from No new specifications have been issued and th e earth. The secondary winding of the trans­ none arc cancelled. former 24 is connected to a rectifying valve 25 and is tuned to the frequency of the received waves by a linear-frequency condenser 27, the Classified Advertisements roto r of which is driven by the motor 12, so tha t the frequency to which the receiver is 2/- per Line, 2 line Minimum, Payable in Advance. tune d is equal to and varies synchronously wit h the frequency of the transmitted waves Outside the annulus 18 are two brake shoes 19 on levers 20, 21. A spring 28 tends to hold O ALL AERONAUTICAL FIRMS.— th e shoes off the annulus ; in this position The specialised advertising and marketing * These abstracts of complete specifications of th e fan is driven a t engine speed, its resistance service required in the aviation field is Patents recently published are specially compiled, by t o motion being so slight that the friction provided by AEROMARINE ADVER­ permission of H.M. Stationery Office, from abridg­ between the spur teeth and between the planet TISING LTD., 56-57, Fleet Street, London, ments appearing in the Patent Journal. Printed wheels and annulus causes the gear to rotate copies of the full specifications can be obtained E.C. 4 (Tele.: Central 2423). This service solid. When the brake shoes grip the annulus from the Patent Office, 25, Southampton Buildings, is free to clients. Leading aeronautical firms th e impeller is driven a t seven times the engine London, W.2, price one shilling each. use this specialised organisation, which has speed. Except where otherwise stated, the specification been built up by aviation experts. Write is unaccompanied by drawings if none is Impeller, adjusting position of.—The inner reproduced. or 'phone. end of the impeller shaft 16 abuts against


Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace TechnologyEmerald Publishing

Published: Oct 1, 1929

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