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Month in the Patent Office

Month in the Patent Office An aerofoil comprises three spanwise control sections, the sections with the smallest and greatest meanline cambers being located at the root 1 and tip 3 respectively, the camber at the third section 2 intermediate the root and tip being greater than that, 4, obtained by straight line fairing between the root and tip. The construction is stated to improve the stalling characteristics of the aerofoil, detailed particulars of the method employed to determine the location of the intermediate control section 2 being given in the specification. In no. 4, the curve 6 represents the variation of lift coefficient throughout the span, the lines 1718and 1719 being tangents to the curve at the root section 1 and the section 7 at which the lift coefficient is a maximum. The optimum position of the section 2 is stated to be the point 17 at which the tangents intersect, but any section between the section 7 and one situated at twice its distance from the tip 3 may be adopted. Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology Emerald Publishing

Month in the Patent Office

Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology , Volume 25 (6): 2 – Jun 1, 1953

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An aerofoil comprises three spanwise control sections, the sections with the smallest and greatest meanline cambers being located at the root 1 and tip 3 respectively, the camber at the third section 2 intermediate the root and tip being greater than that, 4, obtained by straight line fairing between the root and tip. The construction is stated to improve the stalling characteristics of the aerofoil, detailed particulars of the method employed to determine the location of the intermediate control section 2 being given in the specification. In no. 4, the curve 6 represents the variation of lift coefficient throughout the span, the lines 1718and 1719 being tangents to the curve at the root section 1 and the section 7 at which the lift coefficient is a maximum. The optimum position of the section 2 is stated to be the point 17 at which the tangents intersect, but any section between the section 7 and one situated at twice its distance from the tip 3 may be adopted.


Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace TechnologyEmerald Publishing

Published: Jun 1, 1953

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