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The study seeks to explore why despite growing concern for the environment, consumers’ intention to purchase organic foods remains relatively low. In addition, the study also seeks to investigate the role of perceived marketplace influence (PMI) and moral norms in organic food consumption.Design/methodology/approachData collected from 330 young consumers chosen with non-probability sampling were analysed using structural equation modelling in Amos 22.0.FindingsThe results of the parallel mediation analysis confirmed that environmental concern influences purchase intention indirectly through attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control and perceived marketplace influence. In addition, moral norms were found to moderate the effect of perceived behavioural control on purchase intention. Moreover, the results also indicated that the impact of environmental concern on consumers’ attitude toward organic foods was also moderated by moral norms. Further, the results of moderated mediation showed that the indirect effect of environmental concern on purchase intention (through attitude and perceived behavioural control) was moderated by moral norms.Research limitations/implicationsThe study contributes to the existing literature by investigating the inconsistency between environmental concern and purchase intention. In addition, the study also investigate role of perceived marketplace influence and moral norms in stimulating organic food consumption intentions.Practical implicationsThe emergence of perceived marketplace influence as an important determinant of organic food consumption shows that every individual needs to realise the importance of their environment friendly actions to promote organic food consumption. In addition, the study also highlights the pivotal role of moral norms in the promotion of organic food consumption. Thus, markets, policy-makers, family, friends, society all should promote and inculcate the spirit of contributing in the cause of safeguarding the environment to the young children specially by promoting consumption of organic foods.Originality/valueThe study examines the role of perceived marketplace influence as predictor of purchase intention towards organic foods which is rarely explored specially in the domain of organic food consumption. In addition, the results also produced some novel insights into the moderating role of moral norms.
Management of Environmental Quality An International Journal – Emerald Publishing
Published: Nov 14, 2024
Keywords: Environmental concern; Theory of planned behaviour; Moral obligation; Organic food consumption; Moral norms; Perceived marketplace influence
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