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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to propose and test a conceptual framework of attitudinal constructs that influence attitude toward the brand in movie product placements. Advertising literature is replete with studies on factors that influence attitude toward the brand (A b ). However, this topic remains under-explored for product placements. Design/methodology/approach – Our framework showcases several theories to relate attitude and fit constructs to attitudes toward the product placement and attitude toward the brand. We use the structural equation model approach to estimate the conceptual framework. Findings – Several attitudinal movie constructs (attitude toward the actor, the character and the movie) influence attitude toward the product placement, which in turn mediates the relationship between the former attitudinal constructs and attitude toward the brand. Interestingly, only the fit between the actor and placed brand impacted attitude toward the product placement, with no effects found for the fit between the character and the fit between the movie and brand and the attitude toward the product placement. Research limitations/implications – We focus on explicit attitudes; implicit attitudes need future research attention. Practical implications – Findings affirm a key role for the actor featured in the placement in directly or indirectly shaping the attitude toward the brand. Originality/value – This is the first study to apply the structural equation modeling approach to this research area.
Journal of Product & Brand Management – Emerald Publishing
Published: Nov 11, 2014
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