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Statistical Procedure for Agricultural Research
Purpose – A laboratory experiment was conducted in the soil laboratory in the Department of Environment and Environmental Pollution, Environment and Natural Resources Research Institute, National Centre for Research. The purpose of this paper is to study the movement of crude oil through soil column. Design/methodology/approach – Polyvinyl chloride columns were filled with Shambat soil, amended with three concentrations of light crude oil (0.16, 0.32, and 1.28 ppm), obtained from Petrodar Oil Company. Soil samples were taken from 5 and 10 cm depths after two, 14 and 28 days from crude oil addition. At each sampling date, the recovery of petroleum hydrocarbons measured. Findings – The results obtained indicated that high by significant differences among the different concentrations, different depths and different sampling durations. Moreover, the downward mobility of petroleum hydrocarbons decreased with increasing crude oil concentration. Originality/value – Results of the experiment revealed the importance of studying the fate and mobility of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) in soils in order to facilitate a proper reclamation practice specially in oil polluted sites.
World Journal of Science Technology and Sustainable Development – Emerald Publishing
Published: May 27, 2014
Keywords: Sustainable environment; Crude oil; Research institutions; Downward mobility; Hydrocarbons; Oil contaminated soil
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