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Mobil e Greasin g Plan t for Anglo Iranian Oil Company Th e mobile greasing and servicing plant illustrated weighs about 30 cwt. and is constructed from ha s been made for the Anglo Iranian Oil Company's standar d equipment. It was designed by Mr. F . W. use on th e Isle of Grain, Kent , by Equipmen t Repairs Becker of Equipment Repairs Ltd. Limited , 19-20 The Viaduct, Alperton, Mddx. It is capabl e of providing all lubricating servicing over the whole of this very big refinery and it has a numbe r of interestin g points in construction and design that migh t well be adopted on similar but smaller mobile lubricatio n servicing units. I t includes a 150-gall. tan k mounted over the axle an d having four compartments, two holding 25 gall. an d two 50 gall. Each tank has a 6-in. filling orifice an d a drain plug, an d is fitted with a Tecalemit Model L.P.1 0 air operated gear oil dispenser. One of the 25 gal. tanks has an additional high pressure pump, a Tecalemit H.P.130. These five units are connected t o five of a battery of seven hose reels mounte d at the rea r of the trailer, the high pressure lubricant hose being 30-ft. long. A Tecalemit Goliath power pump handles heavy fibrous grease through a delivery hose which is con nected to a sixth hose reel. A Tecalemit Penetrating Oil Giant Spray for paraffin is connected to the sevent h hose reel. A Wakefield Booster Gun for handling special grease is contained in a pocket built in the side of the traile r with three extra containers so tha t four types of grease may be handled. Th e greasing plant is air operated and a B.E.N. 4 cu. ft. compressor is driven by a 2-H.P. Petters petro l engine. A B.E.N , tyre inflator is also mounted withi n the tailboard whilst the air receiver is slung unde r the rear of th e chassis. Th e whole equipment is contained within a trailer bod y space of 8-ft. x 4-ft. and everything is enclosed. Bot h ends and sides open in six pieces and hinge unde r the roof so tha t they can be folded over the roof and out of th e way when th e uni t is in use. Total heigh t of trailer from ground to roof apex is only 6-ft. Th e whole equipment is finished in metallic steel grey-green, the inside of th e roof is painted in white enamel . Specially designed over-run operated brakes ar e fitted and there is a new form of quick action lock bar for reversing purposes. The complete unit Scientific LUBRICATION September, 1953
Industrial Lubrication and Tribology – Emerald Publishing
Published: Sep 1, 1953
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