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When evaluating the efficacy of mindfulness interventions, most studies take a linear approach to explore how an intervention impacts different outcomes for individuals, and rarely is the role of intention examined. This research takes a configural approach to consider how various elements of a participant’s training expectations and their experience in the training condition combine to predict increases in psychological capital.Design/methodology/approachEmployees from hospital settings were randomized into three conditions (mindfulness training, active control (Pilates), and wait-list control group) and completed surveys at three time points (baseline, post-training and three months post-training). A qualitative comparative analysis was applied to see what combinations of motivational elements were associated with increases in psychological capital.FindingsWe find that all three conditions can boost their psychological capital based on different configurations involving efficacy beliefs, baseline states of well-being (psychological capital and perceived stress) and changes in levels of mindfulness and perceived stress.Research limitations/implicationsIndividual characteristics, like motivation, expectancy and baseline needs, are an important consideration in addition to the training condition itself when determining whether a training is efficacious.Practical implicationsIt is of increasing importance that organizations find ways to support employee well-being. Offering a variety of psychological and physical interventions can improve psychological capital. Applying needs assessments that clarify the desires, needs and expectations employees hold may help with intervention efficacy.Originality/valueThe current study offers an innovative methodology through which realist evaluation approaches can consider multiple factors to predict outcomes.
Personnel Review – Emerald Publishing
Published: Oct 16, 2024
Keywords: Mindfulness; Psychological capital; Expectancy theory; QCA; Stress; Intervention
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