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Procedural justice consists of employees' fairness judgments about decision-making processes used to allocate organizational rewards and has been linked to positive work outcomes. The study drew from social exchange and reciprocity theories to examine a model proposing psychological empowerment and organization-based self-esteem (OBSE) as two psychological processes explaining the relationship of procedural justice with employees' work effort and thriving.Design/methodology/approachThree-waves of data with one-month time lags were obtained from 346 full-time US employees. Structural equation modeling tested the hypotheses.FindingsResults supported the model. Procedural justice at Time 1 was positively related to psychological empowerment and OBSE at Time 2, which both led to employees' work effort and thriving at Time 3.Originality/valueThe study provided a theoretical explanation for procedural justice resulting in better work effort and thriving: Psychological empowerment and OBSE may provide a bridge for the effects of procedural justice on employees’ work effort and thriving.
Journal of Managerial Psychology – Emerald Publishing
Published: Mar 6, 2020
Keywords: Procedural justice; Psychological empowerment; Organization-based self-esteem; Work effort; Thriving at work
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