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In the recent past, gamification has been recognized as an effective tool for engaging customers. However, there is limited research to explain luxury consumers' motivations to adopt gamification. This research applies the service-dominant (S-D) logic theory to investigate the association between motivation to adopt gamification, customer engagement, and affective commitment.Design/methodology/approachData were collected through structured questionnaires from a sample of 242 millennial luxury consumers in India. Collected data were examined using AMOS 25 and Process Macro for SPSS.FindingsThe findings reveal that consumers' social and personal integrative motives for gaming positively influence customer engagement with luxury brands. Further, all three sub-dimensions of customer engagement (conscious attention, enthused participation, and social connection) are also found to positively influence affective commitment. Customer engagement fully mediates the association between motivation and affective commitment, while the self-brand connection is found to weaken the mediated relationship.Originality/valueThis study is one of the first studies to explore luxury consumers' motivations behind engaging in gamification through moderated-mediation framework.
Marketing Intelligence & Planning – Emerald Publishing
Published: Mar 13, 2023
Keywords: Gamification; Customer engagement; Luxury; Affective commitment; Self-brand connection; Service-dominant (S-D) logic theory
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