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Lowalcohol Wines The Consumer's Choice

Lowalcohol Wines The Consumer's Choice Attempts to quantify the impact of dealcoholized, low and reducedalcohol wines on the UK wine market, from their appearance in the late 1980s, to the present day. Also assesses whether makers have been successful with the wines under discussion in their aim to capture a substantial percentage of the total wine market, examining the roles which the consumer and the marketing industry have played in the product and market development, and subsequently the wine's success or failure in attaining its goals. Particularly examines the role marketing may have to play in the future, if these products are to sustain market growth and finally gain acceptability as a purchase in their own right. International Journal of Wine Marketing Emerald Publishing

Lowalcohol Wines The Consumer's Choice

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Emerald Publishing
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Attempts to quantify the impact of dealcoholized, low and reducedalcohol wines on the UK wine market, from their appearance in the late 1980s, to the present day. Also assesses whether makers have been successful with the wines under discussion in their aim to capture a substantial percentage of the total wine market, examining the roles which the consumer and the marketing industry have played in the product and market development, and subsequently the wine's success or failure in attaining its goals. Particularly examines the role marketing may have to play in the future, if these products are to sustain market growth and finally gain acceptability as a purchase in their own right.


International Journal of Wine MarketingEmerald Publishing

Published: Mar 1, 1992

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