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How diversity in management boards affects employer attractiveness has yet to be fully clarified. This paper aims to contrast the two main theoretical rationales – similarity attraction and diversity attraction – and examines whether potential employees are more attracted to an organization with a homogenous board (in terms of gender and ethnicity) or to an organization with a diverse board.Design/methodology/approachParticipants (N = 629) were simultaneously presented with two pictures of management boards, whereby the gender and ethnic composition of the boards were manipulated. Moreover, to examine whether social desirability influences the ratings of an organization’s attractiveness, survey anonymity was varied using an indirect questioning technique.FindingsThe findings supported the diversity attraction rationale: organizations with gender-balanced, multicultural boards were seen as more attractive than organizations with monolithic boards. However, this effect seemed to be influenced – at least partially – by social desirability.Research limitations/implicationsAdditional research is needed to examine the extents to which people care about the degree of similarity between themselves and a management board.Practical implicationsThe findings illustrate board composition as an employer branding strategy. Specifically, the results indicate that an organization can benefit from a diverse management board when this information is communicated to applicants.Social implicationsPeople’s attitudes toward organizations with diverse boards seem – in part – to be rooted in their motivation to comply with social norms.Originality/valueTheoretical accounts (similarity attraction theory vs diversity attraction) lead to somewhat contradicting predictions, and the available empirical evidence was rather indirect and correlational. This study provides a controlled empirical investigation contrasting the two contradicting predictions.
Gender in Management An International Journal – Emerald Publishing
Published: Jun 21, 2021
Keywords: Diversity; Organizational attractiveness; Employer branding; Social desirability; Career choice
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