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Learning at work and competence: different contexts and meanings in the case of transition economy

Learning at work and competence: different contexts and meanings in the case of transition economy In this paper, the author analyses the different patterns of learning one can find in the organisations of two contrasting economic fields representing different contexts for learning. The analysis concentrates on two different occupational groups at the medium skills level: specialists in the IT sector and skilled workers in the timber and furniture (T&F) sector. One of them belongs to the “new” and another to the “old” economy. He explains some of the reasons for the emergence of different patterns of learning and consequences they might have on the development of the organisations and individual workers. Also treats workplace learning as a means to overcome the gaps between the skills and competences “required by the job” and the competence workers have. The author tries to argue that learning, competence development and identification in cases of IT specialists and skilled workers in the T&F sector with one's work is mutually closely connected, and “space of work values” determined by the identification patterns can be a factor as facilitating as well as limiting the learning and competence development in these cases. Journal of European Industrial Training Emerald Publishing

Learning at work and competence: different contexts and meanings in the case of transition economy

Journal of European Industrial Training , Volume 28 (7): 13 – Sep 1, 2004

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In this paper, the author analyses the different patterns of learning one can find in the organisations of two contrasting economic fields representing different contexts for learning. The analysis concentrates on two different occupational groups at the medium skills level: specialists in the IT sector and skilled workers in the timber and furniture (T&F) sector. One of them belongs to the “new” and another to the “old” economy. He explains some of the reasons for the emergence of different patterns of learning and consequences they might have on the development of the organisations and individual workers. Also treats workplace learning as a means to overcome the gaps between the skills and competences “required by the job” and the competence workers have. The author tries to argue that learning, competence development and identification in cases of IT specialists and skilled workers in the T&F sector with one's work is mutually closely connected, and “space of work values” determined by the identification patterns can be a factor as facilitating as well as limiting the learning and competence development in these cases.


Journal of European Industrial TrainingEmerald Publishing

Published: Sep 1, 2004

Keywords: Employment; Skills; Competences; Workplace learning

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