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PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to define the individual leadership competencies that are necessary to implement and sustain lean systems, based on a multi-method approach.Design/methodology/approachData collection involved a literature review of lean competencies, interviews with four experts from the university and the industry, and an empirical survey answered by 91 respondents, who represented companies from several sectors. These techniques provided a mix of qualitative and quantitative data, which set a basis for identifying a list of competencies and discussing its validity.FindingsIn total, 16 lean leadership competencies were identified and validated, in terms of content validity, face validity, and predictive validity. Regarding this latter validity type, the survey results indicated that the competencies are positively associated with key operational performance indicators, organizational maturity level of lean, and leaders’ experience with lean systems.Practical implicationsThe identified list of competencies may be a basis for the development of formal lean leadership development programs. The list may also support the design of tools for assessing the competencies of leaders in lean companies.Originality/valueA list of 16 lean leadership competencies was developed based on a verifiable research method that used a mix of data collection techniques. This methodological approach is a distinctive characteristic in comparison with earlier studies, which did not include an empirical validation of the competencies.
Management Decision – Emerald Publishing
Published: Nov 20, 2017
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