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The purpose of this paper is to identify the behaviour of leaders that enhances employee engagement (EE) in organisations. It locates the importance of EE and the role leaders play within the public sector in a developing country and finds answer to the question on the behaviour of the leader that causes employees to be engaged.Design/methodology/approachThe paper uses qualitative method to identify the behaviour of leaders that causes and enhances employees to be engaged. It proposes a framework outlining what the leader does to ensure EE.FindingsBased on results of data analysed, six behaviours of leaders were identified: seeking employee welfare and caring; openness and information flow; conscientiousness; good and cordial relationship; fairness and trust and lastly involvement in decision making.Research limitations/implicationsLimitation of the study was that it did not focus on the entire public sector but was carried out in only one company. It is therefore recommended that further studies could be carried out with focus on other public sector organisations to confirm the leader behaviour identified. Again, a comparative study between public and private sector organisations could be carried out to ascertain if there are differences in the behaviour of the leaders that cause employees to be engaged in these two different sectors.Practical implicationsThe study develops a framework outlining behaviour which leaders within organisations could exhibit to enhance EE and thus organisational success.Originality/valueThe paper provides a framework that shows leader behaviour that causes EE in organisations in a developing country. This framework will be helpful to leaders in organisations to behave in specific ways to enhance EE and for researchers who want to conduct research in this field of study.
International Journal of Public Leadership – Emerald Publishing
Published: Feb 21, 2019
Keywords: Conscientious; Employee welfare; Good and cordial relationship; Leader behaviours; Openness and information flow; Participate in decisions making
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