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This paper analyzes knowledge-oriented leadership (KOL) and its impact on the learning achieved by the members of academic research teams. We study the influence of KOL on learning, both directly and indirectly, through the knowledge sharing that takes place within the team.Design/methodology/approachFor this purpose, we conducted a survey of 477 researchers belonging to academic research teams. Through partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM), our findings show that KOL positively affects both knowledge sharing and learning and that knowledge sharing also enhances learning.FindingsOur results reveal the existence of a direct and indirect effect of KOL on learning, both significant and in the same positive direction, with a complementary partial mediation of knowledge sharing.Research limitations/implicationsThis paper contributes to the literature in that it provides evidence in the academic context of how team leader behavior can influence knowledge sharing and learning.Originality/valueThis is one of the fewer studies that analyzed KOL on academic research teams and the first contribution that empirically shows how the effect of KOL on learning takes place.
Leadership & Organization Development Journal – Emerald Publishing
Published: Aug 12, 2024
Keywords: Knowledge sharing; Learning; Team leadership; Knowledge-oriented leadership; Academic research teams
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