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Thomas Peters, R. Waterman (1983)
In search of excellence : lessons from America's best-run companiesAdministrative Science Quarterly, 28
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The manager's open door and the communication climateBusiness Horizons, 29
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Suggests that an opendoor policy is one of the means organizationsuse to improve communication with employees, enhance trust andmotivation, and reduce the need for unionization, though it isproblematic and difficult to implement. Points out that a majordifficulty is employees perceptions of the barriers that exist betweenthem and management additional obstacles involve behavioural as well asorganizational issues. Discusses the payoffs associated with opendoorpolicies, together with the difficulties and dangers involved. Outlinesthe elements which characterize an effective policy and describesexamples of policies that have been demonstrated to work in practice.
Leadership & Organization Development Journal – Emerald Publishing
Published: Feb 1, 1993
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