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Italian Aircraft Development

Italian Aircraft Development April, 1929 AIRCRAFT ENGINEERIN G 55 A New Kite Balloon Airship—A Potential Winner of the Italian Light Aeroplan e Competition—A New 3-engined Caproni Monoplane With its very elongated form, it is nearer to The Italian Motor Balloon speed, 38-40 m.p.h. (60-65 km./hr.) ; cruising th e conception of an airship than that of a H E kite balloon, while useful for obser­ speed, 88 m.p.h. (140 km./hr.); climb to balloon, while the Italian Motor Balloon is th e vation and other similar purposes, is 3,000 ft. 8 min.; service ceiling, 14,000 ft. T reverse. The German Motor Balloon, indeed, difficult to transport without deflation, (4,300 m.); endurance at full load, 6 hrs. ; is an airship which can be used as a kite balloon, on account of the various obstacles, electric endurance with pilot only, 12 hrs. while th e Italia n Motor Balloon is a kite balloon lines, wooded land, etc., t o be traversed. From 500 to 1,060 miles (800 t o 1,700 km.), which becomes an airship. The first suggestion for avoiding this defect according to the load, can be covered, and th e The characteristics of the two types are was to use for observation purposes a small ceiling is sufficient to allow of crossing the Alps. airship, but the airship suffers from two draw­ given below th e illustrations. I t is interesting to note that the total fuel backs: instability, due to the insufficient Other data regarding the Italian Motor consumption, at full throttle, is the same as empennage, and a very low ceiling. Two years Balloon are:—Fuel consumption, 35 lbs. (15 tha t of a Fia t 509 moto r car. kgs.) an hour ; lift at sea level (for crew, fuel and ballast), 1,178 lbs (525 kgs.). ; endurance, with two persons on board, 5 hrs . Th e Italian Light Aeroplane Competition Among the eight light aeroplanes which passed the official test, and which were described in the last issue of AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING, three have been classified equal first, and chosen by the Air Ministry for whatever use they have in mind. These machines are th e ASI, of the Arronautica d'ltalia Firm (a branch of th e Fia t Company), th e Bred a B R 15, and the Macchi M 17. Particularly interesting, as the machine, with some modifications, is entering the Guggenheim Safe Aircraft Competition, is th e B R 15, designed by Ing. Cesare Pallavicino. I t is the only Continental machine to be entered, the othe r entries being five British an d six American. The Breda 15 is a cabin two-seater parasol monoplane, with folding wings, dual control, and wheel or float undercarrriage. The high aerodynamic fineness gives it an ago, Signor Avorio (who was, with Signor unusually high maximum-minimum speed ratio. The Caproni Ca 101 Prassoni, responsible for the design of the This ratio can actually be further increased by Italian Observation Balloon with a ceiling of a device which, while maintaining differential Th e new commercial trimotor monoplane 6,500 ft. produced during the war), considered aileron control, permits the bringing down of Ca 101 is nearing completion at the Caproni the idea of solving the problem by, instead of both the ailerons together, enabling th e machine factory a t Taliedo (Milan). using an airship as a kite balloon, utilising a to approach and land in a small confined space. The semi-cantilever-type wing is of steel tube a kite balloon as an airship, fitting the former Th e construction is of mixed wood and steel, construction, with fabric covering. The em­ with appropriate propelling and controlling pennage and th e fuselage are also built of steel and all parts are standard in order to provide means. A kite-balloon was, therefore, trans­ tubes, connected by means of sleeve joints, rapid service in the provision of spare parts formed b y substituting for th e baske t a nacelle fixed with screws, and then tinned. The factor of safety is 7. Any radial or fitted with a motor, propeller and elevator, cylinder-in-line type of engine of about 80-85 Th e landing gear of the split-axle type is the rudder being fitted to the skin of the h.p. can be fitted. fitted with oleo-clastic shock absorbers. balloon. The transformation takes not more Th e characteristics are as follows:— Power, The principal data with Walter 85-h.p. tha n half-an-hour. 3 Armstrong-Sideley Lynx 190-h.p. engines; engine are:—Span, 36·8 ft. (11·18 m.); Recently, a balloon on similar lines has length, 22·2 ft. (6·75 m.) ; height, 8· 3 ft. (2·53 span, 60·2 ft. (16·80 m.); area, 591 sq. ft. been produced in Germany.- m.) ; Weight empty, 926 lbs. (420 kg.) ; (55 m 2.) ; weight, empty, 4,735 lbs. (2,150 This German motor balloon is described in useful load, 627 lbs. (280 kg.) ; weight per kgs.) ; useful load, 3,194 lbs. (1,450 kgs.); "Di e Luftwacht," No. II , of February, 1929. tota l weight, 7,929 lbs. (3,600 kg.) ; maximum horse-power, 18 lbs . (8·22 kg.) ; wing loading, speed, 122 m.p.h. (195 km./hrs.); ceiling, 7· 3 lbs. per sq. ft. (35 kg. pe r m.) ; maximum * Special information contributed by our Italian 13,100 ft. (4,000 m.) ; crew, 2 ; passengers, 8. speed, 112 m.p.h. (180 km./hr.) ; minimum Correspondent, who has obtained these details for us. Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology Emerald Publishing

Italian Aircraft Development

Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology , Volume 1 (2): 1 – Feb 1, 1929

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April, 1929 AIRCRAFT ENGINEERIN G 55 A New Kite Balloon Airship—A Potential Winner of the Italian Light Aeroplan e Competition—A New 3-engined Caproni Monoplane With its very elongated form, it is nearer to The Italian Motor Balloon speed, 38-40 m.p.h. (60-65 km./hr.) ; cruising th e conception of an airship than that of a H E kite balloon, while useful for obser­ speed, 88 m.p.h. (140 km./hr.); climb to balloon, while the Italian Motor Balloon is th e vation and other similar purposes, is 3,000 ft. 8 min.; service ceiling, 14,000 ft. T reverse. The German Motor Balloon, indeed, difficult to transport without deflation, (4,300 m.); endurance at full load, 6 hrs. ; is an airship which can be used as a kite balloon, on account of the various obstacles, electric endurance with pilot only, 12 hrs. while th e Italia n Motor Balloon is a kite balloon lines, wooded land, etc., t o be traversed. From 500 to 1,060 miles (800 t o 1,700 km.), which becomes an airship. The first suggestion for avoiding this defect according to the load, can be covered, and th e The characteristics of the two types are was to use for observation purposes a small ceiling is sufficient to allow of crossing the Alps. airship, but the airship suffers from two draw­ given below th e illustrations. I t is interesting to note that the total fuel backs: instability, due to the insufficient Other data regarding the Italian Motor consumption, at full throttle, is the same as empennage, and a very low ceiling. Two years Balloon are:—Fuel consumption, 35 lbs. (15 tha t of a Fia t 509 moto r car. kgs.) an hour ; lift at sea level (for crew, fuel and ballast), 1,178 lbs (525 kgs.). ; endurance, with two persons on board, 5 hrs . Th e Italian Light Aeroplane Competition Among the eight light aeroplanes which passed the official test, and which were described in the last issue of AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING, three have been classified equal first, and chosen by the Air Ministry for whatever use they have in mind. These machines are th e ASI, of the Arronautica d'ltalia Firm (a branch of th e Fia t Company), th e Bred a B R 15, and the Macchi M 17. Particularly interesting, as the machine, with some modifications, is entering the Guggenheim Safe Aircraft Competition, is th e B R 15, designed by Ing. Cesare Pallavicino. I t is the only Continental machine to be entered, the othe r entries being five British an d six American. The Breda 15 is a cabin two-seater parasol monoplane, with folding wings, dual control, and wheel or float undercarrriage. The high aerodynamic fineness gives it an ago, Signor Avorio (who was, with Signor unusually high maximum-minimum speed ratio. The Caproni Ca 101 Prassoni, responsible for the design of the This ratio can actually be further increased by Italian Observation Balloon with a ceiling of a device which, while maintaining differential Th e new commercial trimotor monoplane 6,500 ft. produced during the war), considered aileron control, permits the bringing down of Ca 101 is nearing completion at the Caproni the idea of solving the problem by, instead of both the ailerons together, enabling th e machine factory a t Taliedo (Milan). using an airship as a kite balloon, utilising a to approach and land in a small confined space. The semi-cantilever-type wing is of steel tube a kite balloon as an airship, fitting the former Th e construction is of mixed wood and steel, construction, with fabric covering. The em­ with appropriate propelling and controlling pennage and th e fuselage are also built of steel and all parts are standard in order to provide means. A kite-balloon was, therefore, trans­ tubes, connected by means of sleeve joints, rapid service in the provision of spare parts formed b y substituting for th e baske t a nacelle fixed with screws, and then tinned. The factor of safety is 7. Any radial or fitted with a motor, propeller and elevator, cylinder-in-line type of engine of about 80-85 Th e landing gear of the split-axle type is the rudder being fitted to the skin of the h.p. can be fitted. fitted with oleo-clastic shock absorbers. balloon. The transformation takes not more Th e characteristics are as follows:— Power, The principal data with Walter 85-h.p. tha n half-an-hour. 3 Armstrong-Sideley Lynx 190-h.p. engines; engine are:—Span, 36·8 ft. (11·18 m.); Recently, a balloon on similar lines has length, 22·2 ft. (6·75 m.) ; height, 8· 3 ft. (2·53 span, 60·2 ft. (16·80 m.); area, 591 sq. ft. been produced in Germany.- m.) ; Weight empty, 926 lbs. (420 kg.) ; (55 m 2.) ; weight, empty, 4,735 lbs. (2,150 This German motor balloon is described in useful load, 627 lbs. (280 kg.) ; weight per kgs.) ; useful load, 3,194 lbs. (1,450 kgs.); "Di e Luftwacht," No. II , of February, 1929. tota l weight, 7,929 lbs. (3,600 kg.) ; maximum horse-power, 18 lbs . (8·22 kg.) ; wing loading, speed, 122 m.p.h. (195 km./hrs.); ceiling, 7· 3 lbs. per sq. ft. (35 kg. pe r m.) ; maximum * Special information contributed by our Italian 13,100 ft. (4,000 m.) ; crew, 2 ; passengers, 8. speed, 112 m.p.h. (180 km./hr.) ; minimum Correspondent, who has obtained these details for us.


Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace TechnologyEmerald Publishing

Published: Feb 1, 1929

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