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Knowledge is the key factor and the strategic resource for acquiring assets and intangible organizational capabilities, which can lead to further growth and development, creation of value and the advantage of competitiveness. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of information systems (ISs) on knowledge sharing.Design/methodology/approachThe statistical society and the intended population of this study were the experts of the registry office in Tabriz, East Azerbaijan Province, Iran. A questionnaire was used as the instrument for collecting data. Also, SMART-partial least square was used for testing the hypotheses of the study.FindingsThe results gained in this study revealed that IS dimensions, i.e. service quality, system quality and technology, play a significant role in sharing knowledge among the personnel of an organization.Practical implicationsNowadays, knowledge is regarded as a notable component of knowledge management process, which contributes to the growth and development of organizations. Sharing knowledge can be considered as a vital phenomenon in managing organizational knowledge. One of the remarkable tasks of ISs is to share information as a key factor. Sharing information can result in fast information distribution and efficient and effective organizational operations and enhanced internal and external performance of the organization.Originality/valueThis paper is aimed at introducing and presenting functional dimensions for optimizing the efficacy of ISs. Implementing an effective IS can accelerate the speed of information exchange among the personnel and the improvement of their capabilities.
Journal of Knowledge Management – Emerald Publishing
Published: Apr 17, 2018
Keywords: Information systems; System quality; Knowledge sharing; Service quality; Technological factors
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