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The aim of this work was to validate the Wilson and Laing theoretical mathematical model for estimating the intrinsic “dry” thermal resistance of upper‐bedding, and compare the two‐dimensional models commonly used to estimate the “dry” thermal resistance of bedding in use, with the actual intrinsic “dry” thermal resistance measured using an infant thermal manikin. The Wilson and Laing model was the only model used adequately to estimate the intrinsic “dry” thermal used resistance of materials arranged over the infant thermal manikin. Estimation of intrinsic “dry” thermal resistance of bedding during use is not adequate using two‐dimensional models. Further investigation into the relationship between thermal resistance, conditions of use, and SIDS using the Wilson and Laing model is recommended.
International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology – Emerald Publishing
Published: Jun 1, 2004
Keywords: Thermal insulation; Predictor‐corrector methods; Thermal properties of materials
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