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PurposeThis paper employed Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method for translating internal customer needs and expectations into appropriate service specifications to perform existing process assessments in relation to quality characteristics for increasing internal customer satisfaction.Design/methodology/approachThe paper suggests an approach that integrates SERVQUAL into QFD to set the success factors to improve quality in the textile industry. One of the largest textile companies in Turkey provided the sample. A SERVQUAL-type of questionnaire was used and a total of 32938 questionnaires were distributed both manually and online, 24551 usable were received, comprising a response rate of 77.31% percent.FindingsFindings of the QFD application suggest internal customer focus as having the highest weight score, which suggests when internal customer focus is improved, there will be almost 12% of improvement in the internal customer satisfaction. In addition, improvements in technical requirements of politeness and process communication will have 9% impact each on internal customer satisfaction.Research limitations/implicationsQFD technique is able to provide companies with a better understanding of internal customer expectations, translate these expectations into appropriate service specifications and perform existing process assessment.Originality/valueThis paper is of the first attempts to apply this integrative approach to a different industry in Turkey, thus offering practical and applied information for both academics and practitioners.
Business Process Management Journal – Emerald Publishing
Published: Sep 5, 2016
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