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Travelers are increasingly planning trips using smart travel planning apps to manage travel-related activities. They obtain their preferred tour itineraries with the use of these apps and subsequently choose their tour destinations. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of smart tour itineraries on travelers and explain what drives the continual use of them.Design/methodology/approachDrawing on the unified theory of acceptance and the use of technology model and experiential consumption (UTAUT), the authors conducted this study in Malaysia with a sample of 307 travelers who are familiar with the use of mobile apps.FindingsThe results confirmed that all the UTAUT dimensions except the facilitating condition are significantly related to the intention to use the itinerary. Both the hedonic and utilitarian values in personal consumption significantly motivate the travelers in the behavioral intention to use the itinerary.Originality/valueThis paper offers a good explanation of how the itinerary plans can be used by examining the theories behind the current app’s usage. Many researchers have examined the adoption of the smart travel apps, which has rarely been tied to the antecedents that drive how the travelers use itineraries that are designed by the smart travel apps. This study contributes to the research regarding using the mobile travel apps by developing an integrative model to explain the traveler intentions to use smart travel itineraries.
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology – Emerald Publishing
Published: Jul 15, 2021
Keywords: Hedonic value; Experiential consumption; Utilitarian value; Smart travel apps; Tour itineraries; Unified theory of acceptance and the use of technology model (UTAUT); 旅游行程; 智慧旅游App; UTAUT; 体验性消费; 享乐型价值; 实用型价值
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