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The United Nations member countries adopted a set of 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. It encourages the use of sustainable practices during new product development (NPD). Competitiveness has put pressure on organizations to maintain their market share and look for new approaches related to NPD. The current study aims to focus on creating a framework that can help to achieve the SDGs by adopting agile new product development (ANPD) practices and Industry 4.0 technologies.Design/methodology/approachFrom the literature, various ANPD practices, Industry 4.0 technologies, performance metrics, their interconnection and their contribution toward achieving SDGs are extracted. The weights of selected Industry 4.0–ANPD practices are computed by robust best worst method (RBWM), and the Fuzzy-VIKOR method is used to rank the selected performance metrics. To test the robustness of the developed framework, sensitivity analysis is also performed.FindingsThe results show that among the various Industry 4.0–ANPD practices “Multi-skilled employees” have the highest weight followed by “Customer requirement analysis and prioritization.” Whereas for performance metrics, “The number of innovative products launched per year” is ranked first, with the “Average time between two launches” at second place.Practical implicationsThis research contributes to the adoption of ANPD practices and Industry 4.0 technologies for the achievement of the business SDGs. The shortlisted Industry 4.0–ANPD practices will help in resolving the social and environmental issues. The set of performance metrics will help practitioners and managers to evaluate the performance of ANPD in the context of business SDGs.Originality/valueThis study adds to the understanding related to Industry 4.0–ANPD practices adoption. And to the best of the authors’ knowledge, it is believed that no similar work has been done previously and by using industry insights into technology components, this work contributes to valuable insights into the subject.
Journal of Engineering Design and Technology – Emerald Publishing
Published: Jun 14, 2024
Keywords: Agile new product development; Industry 4.0; Sustainability; Sustainable development goals; Robust best worst method; Fuzzy VIKOR
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