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PurposeThis paper aims to explore the pertinent issues of innovation and service experiences in family firms in the tourism industry, which are mostly small- and medium-sized enterprises.Design/methodology/approachThe conceptual paper, building on social identity theory, undertakes a thorough review of the relevant literature before developing propositions regarding innovation and service experiences for small family firms in the tourism industry.FindingsSmall tourism family firms are faced with deficits in strategic orientation and innovation, and cooperation seems to be a means to overcome size deficits in family-run businesses. Customers integrated into the service experience enhance innovative developments and foster innovation in small tourism firms. As a prerequisite, the service experience must be appropriately managed by collecting and evaluating relevant data on customers’ needs, expectations and satisfaction. An open-minded and consumer-focused market-driven strategy seems to be an advantage.Practical implicationsFuture research should undertake empirical studies to validate and/or modify the propositions presented in this conceptual paper.Originality/valueThis is one of the few studies to have addressed the relationship between service experiences and innovation for family-run small businesses in the tourism industry.
International Journal of Culture Tourism and Hospitality Research – Emerald Publishing
Published: Oct 3, 2016
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