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Combining technology acceptance model and the theory of planned behavior, this study aims to analyze influencing factors on intention of sharing heritage tourism experience in social media from technological, psychological and experience perspectives. The moderating effects of age and gender are also tested.Design/methodology/approachThis study applies a quantitative method using online questionnaires. A total number of 323 questionnaires are collected. The data are analyzed using partial least squares-structural equation modeling to assess measurement and structural models and multi-group analysis to compare differences among age and gender groups.FindingsThe results of this study indicate that subjective norm, perceived behavioral control and tourism experience significantly and positively influence the intention of sharing heritage tourism experience in social media, while the effects of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and attitude are non-significant. Results reveal the differences in antecedents of sharing heritage tourism experience in social media between males and females and between younger and older tourists.Originality/valueDeveloping a model integrating technology acceptance model and theory of planned behavior, this paper analyzes the intention of sharing heritage tourism experience in social media through technological, psychological and tourism experience perspectives. Besides, heterogeneous comparisons between younger and older tourists and between males and females offer significant academic and practical insights.
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology – Emerald Publishing
Published: Aug 3, 2023
Keywords: Tourism experience; Heritage tourism; Social media; Theory of planned behavior; Technology acceptance model; 关键词 旅游体验、文化遗产旅游、社交媒体、计划行为理论、技术接受模型
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