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Imbedded in the life course paradigm, the purpose of this paper is to investigate which individual life events impact blood donations and to study their underlying mechanisms.Design/methodology/approachBy applying logistic regression, moderation and mediation analysis, this paper uses a large sample of N = 5,640 individuals.FindingsExperiencing normative life events and stressful life events reduce the likelihood of donating blood, whereas human capital life events enhance the likelihood of donating blood. Specifically, having a child and death of a mother decrease and finishing education increases the probability of blood donations. Locus of control and satisfaction with income are significant underlying mechanisms.Practical implicationsSocial marketing campaigns can use individual life events to focus on similarities between potential blood donors and individuals in need of blood. Blood centers can adopt their services to cater to the changing needs after experiencing individual life events by running mobile blood collecting drives and providing guidance.Social implicationsBlood centers take an important role in sustaining a healthy society. As the need for blood will increase in the future, a better understanding of blood donation behavior and social marketing contributes to increased donations.Originality/valueWhile previous research looked at collective life events, there is a dearth in marketing and blood literature on the effects of individual life events.
Journal of Consumer Marketing – Emerald Publishing
Published: Oct 18, 2019
Keywords: Life course; Blood donation behavior; Blood marketing; Individual life events
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